Liese, it may be a result of not having escalators.
Yeah, almost definitely. We didn't really even have stairs in any of my childhood houses, so when I was wee I wasn't altogether good at those, either. Escalators were pretty rare in my little town.
drinkable orange yogurt thing that I loved. I figured it was a Minneapolis japanese community thing
Bikkle, maybe?
Gnarg. It may have been that. It's probably been 15 years. I should go to the huge asian market south of me. I adored that stuff, and don't really like all the berry and/or peach variety. Hell, I can't even find orange yogurt these days, and I KNOW we used to get it in the Lucerne brand when I was wee.
I saw an illuminated blimp. That was freaky.
What's an Orange Julius? Could be that.
Orange Julius has egg in it.
edit: no it doesn't
Also, Hec is not Dave, and Matilda is too young to state any preferences one way or another but I myself have a screaming aversion to Mattie. If that's the nick she settles on I'm going to have to work shamefully hard on being Zen about it.
Just give her a good role model to help her pick the right nickname, JZ: [link]
Has anyone else mentioned this? A friend emailed me to remind me:
Wednesday, September 19th, is International 'talk like a pirate' day.
Breaking news: pie crust is awesome.
Also, it is totally reasonable to fear escalators, as people do get killed in them on a regular basis. Or, like, have limbs torn off, but the story I remember is about a teenager who was strangled when the strings of his hoodie got caught in the teeth.
I'm not optimistic about the quality of The Kingdom. Don't know why but the trailers just make me suspect it will be crap.
I would double take for a Masai. But then I used to double take for interesting squirrels. I am most likely not a reliable double take gold standard.
We have albino squirrels in my neighborhood. They deserve a double take.
black squirrels have invaded Chicago. I remember the first time I ever saw one of them was in Yellow Springs Ohio.
This American Life just reminded me how cool this commercial is.