So sarameg, are you saying you wait until the person in front of you exits the revolving door before you enter? What if there are people coming in from the other side?
I wait until I'm not afraid of being trapped by my own devices. 1 person per enclosure usually does it. People entering also freak me out. I've travelled down a subway tunnel with my backpack jamming the doors open 1.5 feet. It was SCARY. Similar issues.
Liese, it may be a result of not having escalators. The nearest on growing up was the El Paso airport. My city had none (and still may not have any.) What cured me? Scary-ass fast and steep Moscow escalators. After that? Everything else is tame. You could seriously die on those suckers!
Ah, it was Will Smith causing all the racket.
Jada is freakin' tiny.
lori! I wish I had content, but I don't! But lori!
Actually, I was fascinated by escalators as a small child because they were totally foreign to my little suburban life, so it was a big novelty to go anywhere they were -- ditto for elevators!
Oh & what's the best method of cleaning copper and brass together? I'm soaking them in vinegar for now. Soda?
(A czech coin I'm gonna give to my neighbor girl.She's fascinated that I've travelled at all, and I kinda want to give her a purty talisman to pin things on. I know my grandparents' shiny kroner from sweden made me wish a lot.)
God bless LA. Will Smith is just down the street from where the Masai was. I knew I moved here for a reason.
Heh. Hey, I have a question. Years and years ago, I was shopping with my cousin, and we bought a drinkable orange yogurt thing that I loved. I figured it was a Minneapolis japanese community thing and didn't bother to search it out. With the proliferation of yogurt drinks, I've been looking for it again. No luck at my stores. Anyone else familiar with it?
Aww, Jason Bateman! Jeremy Piven! And yes, Jen is smokin' hot, with gold stilletos. She is so sweet - happily waving at the fans. Love her.
They have scary teeth! They move inexplicably and in ways different from human locomotion! They have eerie green lights coming from below where clearly monsters unknown to humans live, waiting to eat the masticated bits of people sucked through the escalator teeth!
I saw a kid get his foot caught in the escalator a month or so ago. It was freaky. His mom screamed a lot. Even after she wrestled his foot out. (It was caught between the side of the stairs and the shiny silver wall, as they were going down, for about 5-10 feet)