[link] Ausiello has some info about what happened re the photo in CSI.
Question: What happened to Catherine finding the picture of Grissom and Sara that was teased all week? That scene sure wasn't in the CSI I watched on Thursday! — Kathy
Ausiello: Good question — let's ask exec producer Carol Mendelsohn. "The scene where Catherine finds Sara's picture on Grissom's fridge is really fun. But the paradox of writing a procedural is that sometimes even our favorite scenes (scenes that show the personal lives of our CSIs) aren't required by the narrative. We wrote the scene because, like Catherine, we're dying to snoop around Grissom and Sara's relationship. But at the end of the day, crime-solving trumped romance. The scene drove our hearts, but not our investigation." However, Mendelsohn tells me that she was "so charmed by the scene" that she went and posted it on the Internets! Even better, here's the link!
Question: OMG, was Grissom talking to Sara on the phone at the end of Thursday's episode? Is Jorja coming back to the show next season?— Shannen
Ausiello: I'll let Mendelsohn tackle the first part of that question: "To everyone who's pondered, 'Who is Grissom talking to in the final scene?' — well, her photo was on his fridge." (Look — the screen-grabbed proof!) [link] For an answer to the second part, you'll have to watch my new Ausiello Report vodcast.
New Bones! I'm watching new Bones!
I'd forgotten how much I liked Bones. Good to have it back.
It was fun to see that gang! The lab boys playing "king of the lab", the girls dissing the boys, Bones and Seely getting the better of the therapist and there was a dead guy. Too bad I saw the perp coming, I almost never do on this show.
Yay, Bones! I didn't even mind the therapist trying to force the shipper thing, because everybody knew what he was doing.
I loved Booth dragging Sweets away in the chair.
also, this may be the first time I've seen a procedural where the murderer doesn't confesss all and thereby counter the flimsy forensic evidence. They actually left it as a possibility that Phillipa might not get convicted, though as Booth put it, the knowledge would come out. I like that, it feels a lot more real than the perps always cracking in the face of the godlike investigators.
it feels a lot more real than the perps always cracking in the face of the godlike investigators.
That always seems to be what happens on Cold Case. I keep thinking that most of the cases happened 20 years ago, and if the suspects just kept their mouths shut and no one confessed, they'd get away with it.
this may be the first time I've seen a procedural where the murderer doesn't confess all and thereby counter the flimsy forensic evidence.
Zeke from Lost turns out to be the most competent lawyer Booth and Bones have ever met. Whoda thunk it?
Zeke from Lost turns out to be the most competent lawyer Booth and Bones have ever met. Whoda thunk it?
*Smacks forhead*
I knew he looked familiar. I think this may have also been the only time that Wings Hauser appeared in something where he wasn't the guilty party.
Zeke! That's his name. I knew he was from Lost but I couldn't remember him except as the gay Other.