Since she won't go to his house to eat, I thought she knew something. But then she ate, so...complicit at least that far?
I am voting wholeheartedly for the demise of Will Graham, though. Maybe mostly to fuck with the fandom, who knows?
But I do want him to be metaphorically screwed without lube.
I am voting wholeheartedly for the demise of Will Graham, though. Maybe mostly to fuck with the fandom, who knows?
Noooooo! Okay, I delight in Hannibal being so. horrible., because he's
to be. He is the Other, he is the civilized veeneer that we try to tell ourselves holds back the terror of the night, and he has no interest in redemption or becoming like regular people. (So, y'know, many of the same reasons I like horrific vampires.) But I am also fiercely protective of Will. Partially because I empathize (heh) with the notion of not being able to filter out the emotions of everyone else; Will is a cautionary tale of the importance of self-care written in giant flaming letters.
I get the impression she doesn't leave home at all. But I do think she knows (or at least strongly suspects) what he does.
ION, my absorption in this fandom is complete: I now have crackpot cosplay ideas. I need to come up with a capelet and bustle made of black coque feathers, a black antler headpiece that won't give me a migraine, and blue-black theatrical makeup that doesn't smudge. Why yes, I want to do a Victorian-ish twist on the Dire Ravenstag/Wendigo.
There is a tumblr called Will Graham has a nice day. [link] It has pictures of dogs and things like this:
Will goes to the hospital. He has a routine check-up and the doctor explains that he is perfectly well, but perhaps should moisturise more.There is nothing wrong with his brain. The doctor also recommends getting more sun. Will goes to the park with his dogs and enjoys the sunshine, eating the lollipop the doctor gave him for being good. The lollipop is not people.
Jaquen H'gar is a regular on Crossing Lines! (I did not know that - until I watched it last night.)
I also had the "show not named Will Graham" thought after watching the finale of Hannibal. But I want him to survive as himself. I don't want another season of watching Hannibal make somebody else.
I don't want another season of watching Hannibal make somebody else.
See, that moment made me realise I don't know what the show's premise was. I officially don't know what's happening next season, and can't work out what the second sentence of the elevator pitch (can we have a second sentence, pls?) really is.
I thought Hannibal had lots of great moments, lots of moments that made no sense, and a much bigger sense of its own coolness than I ever got.
a much bigger sense of its own coolness than I ever got
Clearly the best thing to hit the internet since Sherlock, and damn! I can't work out what some of the people are hanging onto.
"Free Will Graham"--that much makes sense. But it's also why I want him to not get freed. I'm curious to see what else there is without him.
Jilli on Facebook suggested that Hannibal is essentially a vampire story. Not literally a vampire but the same kind of character - horrifyingly evil, attractive, sophisticated, ultra-competent. Will in her view is the love interest. She suggests Bella rather than Mina, which would make Hannibal Edward which I don't think she intended. Pass it on without endorsement, because have not yet seen show. But that comment kind of makes me want to. Hannibal sounds more like Dracula than Edward. Will in the books sounds more like Mina than Bella. But I gather this show is very *loosely* based upon the books and movies.