This week's episode of H50 kinda crystallised why it's the last of the Monday recordings that I watch--the scene where Ma does magic in the elevator shaft? There was no acting there. There was, instead, a setup for an untrusted audience that Steve would use magic in the climax of the episode. They could have seeded it more subtly in the conversation where he first brought up magic and his dissatisfaction with his new all action mother, but instead there's a scene for most of which I'm thinking "she's crazy, and not a cool badassed type, or even a random delightful type. It was kinda stiff and awkard, and I don't think O'Loughlin gets that he has facial muscles he can use for subtext.
It is kind of a waste to nuke a season pass with one episode left, but if it doesn't have me now, it is the beautiful cake of others, not of mine.
it is the beautiful cake of others, not of mine.
That is why I watch it, for Alex O'Loughlin's beautiful cake. And Scott Caan's ass, 'cause, DAMN.
I would love to see Castle take on a new direction.
Maybe request her team to go with?
Request that she be stationed out of NYC?
I do think that she would regret saying no to the job offer, and blame castle.
I don't know.
No, her answer is, "Who's asking? Clark or Superman? Castle or Captain Mal?"
Request that she be stationed out of NYC?
I could see this happening. For a few episodes anyway. I expect circumstances will lead her back to the NYPD pretty quickly. This is not a show that thwarts audience expectations in any major way (not since Will Beall left the writing staff). I guess I'm just fond enough of the characters that I don't mind that.
I'd think at least the boys would go with her team-wise.
It would be interesting to see them switch from a "NY feeling" show to a "DC feeling" show.
Anyone else watch NCIS and would like to explain to me what the heck happened?
I did. What do you need explained, Trudy?
It turns out that the CIA killed Vance's wife so now Gibbs has been muscled into assassinating his ex-wife's ex-husband?
Not quite. The CIA killed someone else that died earlier in the season, but they wanted the guy who killed Ziva's dad and the Director's wife to be blamed for it. So, they didn't want Ziva's and Gibbs to arrest the guy who killed the loved ones and find out he didn't d the other murders. Meanwhile, the sent Gibbs on a super secret mission so he wouldn't have to testify about all the things he has done. I don't think his target is going to end up being Fornell. I think it's going to be whoever Fornell is protecting.