I love that Ryan's marriage is considered to be absolutely solid and that he and Jennifer are probably going to be stupidly in love forever.
I really like them. It's a way to have a relationship (though with a very secondary, or even tertiary, character) on a show that is just a good thing and not a thing to cause ~drama~ and conflict.
The thing I miss most about Captain Montgomery is him and Castle trading fatherhood stories.
I miss that too. For as much as I really don't like this focus on the relationship between Castle and Beckett, this show really has been all about relationships for me. Parents and children and friends and coworkers and ... just people. Including romantic. But now I feel like it's pivoted to really focus so intently on the funny or tragic mishaps of how Castle and Beckett aren't together that... blah.
Then again, it could be worse. I could be watching
Head's up for Buffista's without DVR or such - according to my DVR, Bones is starting new episodes this MONDAY as opposed to the old night, and looks to be continuing. Fox is starting it at 8 before House at 9 which is also starting new eps this monday.
Dear Bones writers:
The acidity of vinegar can be increased by boiling under very controlled conditions. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of vinegar. It smells like boiling vinegar. You think that could be done secretly in a prison kitchen?
Well that was a fun if odd Castle, but OMG!!!! Adam Baldwin next week!! Mini Firefly reunion!
Dear Bones writers:
Was there any reason, other than sheer stupidity, for the heavily-pregnant Bones to wade into the prison population to chase after the culprit? A culprit who was already locked up, who wouldn't be getting away, who was already in a location where the feds would be able to get their hands on him?
I think that the flimsy excuse was that the culprit would destroy the evidence by the time they got back.
Also, Bones writers, please tell me why, if there was a hospital 10 miles away, a medical professional couldn't nip over to deliver the baby? Or, you know, send an ambulance?
Or why Booth or the ridiculous hotel person couldn't at least dial 911?
They said the hospital was 10 miles away and it would take 30 minutes to get there, right? Was there an explanation of heavy city traffic or bad roads or something? Or was the Christ-child allusion that compelling?