Dear Bones writers:
Was there any reason, other than sheer stupidity, for the heavily-pregnant Bones to wade into the prison population to chase after the culprit? A culprit who was already locked up, who wouldn't be getting away, who was already in a location where the feds would be able to get their hands on him?
I think that the flimsy excuse was that the culprit would destroy the evidence by the time they got back.
Also, Bones writers, please tell me why, if there was a hospital 10 miles away, a medical professional couldn't nip over to deliver the baby? Or, you know, send an ambulance?
Or why Booth or the ridiculous hotel person couldn't at least dial 911?
They said the hospital was 10 miles away and it would take 30 minutes to get there, right? Was there an explanation of heavy city traffic or bad roads or something? Or was the Christ-child allusion that compelling?
Handwavium: the next generation
What did she have, anyway? Boy, girl? I haven't watched in a while.
Girl. Born in a stable after being told there was no room at the inn. Delivered by Booth. Named Christine Angela.
Are there any B/B shippers here? Do you think they did the relationship fairly, in the end? I was thinking that the reveal would have been very frustrating to me if I'd been invested in them, but maybe they could make up for that in how they wrote them subsequently.
a) Was it actually disappointing?
b) If so, has it been better?
Unrelatedly, but still Bones, right after she held the baby, Bones said "We're a family!" and I wanted to yell back "You were a family before! You don't need children to be a family!" But, you know. Is there an equivalent to heteronormative that includes the 2.5 children? And where do we sign up to fight against its dominance?
Aw, the Angela part is sweet.
The rest sounds like something out of a bad romance novel, or a soap opera.
Yes, although there haven't been any evil twins ... have there?