It wasn't long ago that he had his childhood history being dragged out, and now his professional competence is being questioned.
Plus the whole "Your girlfriend's engaged to be married to someone else," fiasco.
To paraphrase Bull Durham, "He's been dealing with a lot of shit."
I like him standing up to her. He'll use his insight to help them solve the case but not satisfy her curiosity after she's been so dismissive - good for him.
A propos of what's a procedural, [link] on Fresh Air yesterday, Terry Gross commented that In Treatment is kind of a procedural mystery where the mystery is how the people are going to work out their personal issues and evolve. Or, you know, she said it better but that was the gist of it.
Just watched Bones -- DH cheered when Sweets stood up to her. And I gave a very satisfied nod. I hang out with smart people -- ( married one) and the smartest people know there are things they don't know. Bones has learned a lot , but she does tend to forget that.
But -- what I didn't like was Bones being shocke dby the frat boy behavior ( dropping the togas etc ) becasue her normal way of dealing is to compare them to a tribe
well, there's no tribe really like frat boys. They are unique unto themselves. and now Brennan has a new tribe to study.
Is no one else impressed by Hodgins pointing at two of the sheets and saying, "This guy is having a sexual relationship with this guy"? It's a nice little sidenote.
I was mighty impressed that the victim in last night's Cold Case really cut all her hair off during the shoot. I can't remember the last time I saw that on TV.
The predictable pacing worked to heighten the surprise. It was the right time into the ep for the night, the cool song was playing, but Lilly was on the right. Now I don't see how they have another hour of story left. Unless she's wrong.
Very Happy that Medium was renewed. Love me some Jake Weber!