My DH is now quoting "HR is full of monsters" at me on a regular basis.
Comedy 1: A Little Song, a Little Dance, a Little Seltzer Down Your Pants
This thread is for comedy TV, including network and cable shows. [NAFDA]
I sense (pure speculation) a major lawsuit next season. I'm not sure why, and I'm not sure who would sue. I could see Stanley or Kelly, maybe. I also sense Phyllis losing patience, but she'd more likely quit and work for her husband. Although if nobody has sued yet, I kind of wonder if anyone ever will.
But the transition from Toby to Holly means a switch from HR as (attempted) brake on Michael's most egregious instincts to HR as a foot on the gas pedal. We're talking someone who, the first day on the job, talks to her boss about planning an orgy.
HIMYM!!!!!!!!!!! there better be payoff next year. oh yes, there better be.
How are they going to pull this off with Scrubs being renewed??
who cares about Ted(never thought i'd say that!)!! i'm talking about Robin/Barney!! he looooooves her!!!
On the other hand, later that night? On the way home? At breakfast the next morning? Come on, Jim, just man up and do it! Nobody else needs to know that it happened on the same day as Andy's proposal
You know I thought it would have been nice if, during the hoopla about Andy's proposal, Jim had just leaned over to Pam and opened the box. It would have been a sweet moment.
i'm talking about Robin/Barney!! he looooooves her!!!
HIMYM made me cry like a sucker last night. Admittedly I was watching it while kinda drunk on sangria.
Oh, that would have been great, lisah.
While I am rooting for Barney/Robin, I hope Stella tells Ted that proposing after a "life-changing accident" made him realize he shouldn't have broken up with her is weak and dumps his ass. "Now I can give you what you need", piffle!
I don't necessarily want her to break up with him, but she damn well better tell him to put on the brakes for a bit.
The final moments? That look on Barney's face? Totally heart-melty, and I say that as someone who has always found Barney skating right on the edge of too skeevy and cruel to be funny. Never quite over that edge, because NPH is just too fun and engaging, plus the writers have been careful to give him just enough messed-up backstory and just enough secret good deeds to keep him on this side of it, but he's been uncomfortably close more than a few times.
But that look? Oh. Oh, dear. The poor noodle.
The look and not saying anything just letting them list everything he "loves". Very endearing. I'll be catching up on all the episodes I missed this summer, I think. Which is to say, most of them before this season.
The final moments? That look on Barney's face? Totally heart-melty
Oh, my, yes. And I wasn't expecting it.
I, too, hope Stella gives him a, "Yeah... no." But I do like them together.