JORTLES! Have I mentioned lately how much I love Jason?
Michael's solution to the Trolley Problem at the end made me verklempt. Can't wait to see how he would wiggle out of this particular thorny patch, for wiggle out he must - Ted Danson is too valuable a player to sacrifice.
Michael's solution to the Trolley Problem at the end made me verklempt.
Oh god, Michael. And where is (good) Janet?
Was that Dax Shepard? The guy who thought he recognized Chidi-as-Trent?
Was that Dax Shepard?
Yeppers. Instead of dragging KBell to his projects (invariably terrible, sad to say; *cough* CHIPS), he should just come guest-star on hers on the regular.
Apparently I still ship Jason and Janet deep down, because my heart went flip-flop when they shared that tiny tender moment with their disguises.
Also, is anything better than Marc Evan Jackson saying "I'm a naughty bitch"???
Jason being right about a Molotov Cocktail being the answer!
(Reminded me a bit of Serenity and Jayne's "Sure would be nice to have a grenade about now.")
I love his explanation about the beauty of the Molotov Cocktail: "right away I have a different problem"
Loved seeing Tahani with a can of Pabst in her hand.
Manny Jacinto looks really, really good in a suit.