Also reminders to record Cougar Town and to get Rudolph for Dec 9. There is a lot of detail in those.
I don't know that I could recommend any of the commentaries if you don't already like watching commentaries, Lee. And the ones I liked best, I remember that they were really interesting but not which episodes they were for. Choosing based on who is on them is wise, though - avoid Chevy Chase and the one from, I think, season 2 that lists Robert Smigel I really hated a lot.
Oh, ha, might as well confess that after I watched Cooperative Calligraphy I bought a dozen purple pens with gel grips. Because I could.
Well, that's fair. If you don't like commentaries, I don't think these are the ones that will change your mind. But if you're interested in them in general, they're a decent overall mix of informative and entertaining.
I hadn't realised how solidly golden the tags are. Well, up until S3, where they derail a bit. But I just watched the D&D episode (man, Chevy Chase makes me feel like a rookie TV watcher, what with my assumptions of actor/character bleed and shit) and the one where they walk into the room with the Asian women is so short and simple and perfect...
Giant ears or tail, that one? That's a gem.
Where do you think the tags derailed? I kind of don't like when they tie into the main action too much, personally.
I remember being disappointed with the start of season 3, but I'll have to rewatch to be sure exactly where. I'm not sure why I thought S3 would get here before I was done S2--it will be here mid next week. I'll be done S2 today.
Oh, no, you aren't supposed to have a gap!
I'm also not supposed to watch one season in a day, so I'll pay the price without grumbling too much.
Maybe commentaries and special features, but I might also need to switch shows for a bit. You know--four or so days.
It's remarkable how sad this show is. If you only look at Abed--the character everyone's supposed to like. Season 2 he has one huge break at Christmas, and then a pretty rough time at his birthday. Pierce is continually twisted and miserable, Britta is the worst, Jeff is lying to phone sex operators, Chang is psychotic--these people are flat out...let's just say, go Troy! He's doing pretty well, all told.
It's pretty sad that I had to image google to work out which characters most of the Pulp Fiction References are to. My knowledge only goes as far as SLJ, Travolta, and Uma. I had to look the rest up.
That's some seriously continuous Community watching. Bravo.
It's pretty damned sad--in a glorious way. I'm on disk 4--just finished Competitive Wine Tasting, and I think that's the first tag I didn't think was remotely funny. Which is a pretty dammed good run.
He needed to die in all the fires in S2. I was *stunned* when he had moments in S3 where my reaction was not hatred. And I was even a little pissed at "Digital Estate Planning" for making me have a moment of warmth toward him (the "I never had a brother" line, and his interaction with Gilbert after the game was over). I admit, it got to me. (Its airing coincided with my brother going into detox for alcoholism, so I was an easy target, but even so, I wouldn't have thought ANYTHING could made me an easy target for Pierce Hawthorne.)