I'm also not supposed to watch one season in a day, so I'll pay the price without grumbling too much.
Maybe commentaries and special features, but I might also need to switch shows for a bit. You know--four or so days.
It's remarkable how sad this show is. If you only look at Abed--the character everyone's supposed to like. Season 2 he has one huge break at Christmas, and then a pretty rough time at his birthday. Pierce is continually twisted and miserable, Britta is the worst, Jeff is lying to phone sex operators, Chang is psychotic--these people are flat out...let's just say, go Troy! He's doing pretty well, all told.
It's pretty sad that I had to image google to work out which characters most of the Pulp Fiction References are to. My knowledge only goes as far as SLJ, Travolta, and Uma. I had to look the rest up.
That's some seriously continuous Community watching. Bravo.
It's pretty damned sad--in a glorious way. I'm on disk 4--just finished Competitive Wine Tasting, and I think that's the first tag I didn't think was remotely funny. Which is a pretty dammed good run.
He needed to die in all the fires in S2. I was *stunned* when he had moments in S3 where my reaction was not hatred. And I was even a little pissed at "Digital Estate Planning" for making me have a moment of warmth toward him (the "I never had a brother" line, and his interaction with Gilbert after the game was over). I admit, it got to me. (Its airing coincided with my brother going into detox for alcoholism, so I was an easy target, but even so, I wouldn't have thought ANYTHING could made me an easy target for Pierce Hawthorne.)
What are your (plural) top five Community eps?
Top five tags?
I don't know if I can get either down to five. I'll give it some thought, though. I definitely gravitate towards the high concept episodes - Epidemiology, Chaos Theory, Pillows and Blankets, Lupine Urology. But also all the finales. And tags are even harder - my favorite at any given time is most likely to be the one I saw most recently.
I am watching Lupine Urology again, and remembering good bits from the commentary, so that might be a good commentary to try, Lee.
It is hard, ian't it?
Maybe I will try that commentary tonight!
JZ, Emmett and I have just started watching Community, btw.
Yay! I predict you will all enjoy it very much.
Yay! I predict you will all enjoy it very much.
I just told Emmett that the first season is good but the second season is supposed to be stellar.
"So it gets funnier!?!"