ETA: as a consolation, here is an adorable pic of Community gang cosplaying as the Avengers, including Britta being, well, Britta.
"Who's the redhead? All the women are accounted for. Is it Annie? No, Annie's Hawkeye. Who— ...oh."
This thread is for comedy TV, including network and cable shows. [NAFDA]
ETA: as a consolation, here is an adorable pic of Community gang cosplaying as the Avengers, including Britta being, well, Britta.
"Who's the redhead? All the women are accounted for. Is it Annie? No, Annie's Hawkeye. Who— ...oh."
And the answer to that question comes with a hearty "of course!"
Shirley as Hulk is particularly apt. Girlfriend has some deep-seated anger issues, dude.
Football, Feminism, and You
One of my early favourites!
Jeff: I'm saying you are a football player. It's in your blood.
Troy: That's racist.
Jeff: Your soul.
Troy: THAT's racist.
Jeff: Your eyes?
Troy: That's gay
Jeff: That's homophobic.
Troy: That's black
Jeff: That's racist!
Troy: DAMN.
I love that exchange so much!
"Your name BEGINS WITH 'T'!"
And that conversation between Jeff and Annie, with Annie walking away with that wounded backward look that launched a thousand shippers!
How much would it have blown Annie's mind if someone from the future had visited her high school self and told her she'd be living with Troy in just a few years?
It's funny, watching the early episodes now, every time I see the foosball table in the background I imagine it calling seductively to Shirley and Jeff - plaaay meeeee.
I am not surprised Community did not get any noms
They did get one for writing! For Remedial Chaos Theory. If you have to choose only one (which you don't have to, but whatever), that's a good one.
Up against two Parks &Rec eps that were also excellent, an okay Louie ep (ok for that show, which is generally good but weird and this particular episode was neither as good nor as weird as others for my taste), and Girls, which I don't watch.
I saw a couple of girls the other day that looked like they'd walked right out of Girls. And? I judge, I judge. They didn't look good. I suspect RuPaul would not approve.
Today's daily dose of Community = Interpretive Dance. More Troy dancing, please! I had forgotten all of the non-dance related plots. Did we ever find out who the Dean rated #1? And, hey, I believe that's the first reference to Jim Belushi -they keep going to that well, but it keeps being funny. Also, I love this tag, with the crossword and " I love misdirects" "I love The Big Lebowski".
I am apparently still annoyed at Harmon for saying he was creatively hamstrung during the first season, because the first season was really good. More conventional than 2&3, but not by that much, and chock full of character growth and emotional through lines.