In addition to the moments mentioned above, I enjoyed Andre's completely not even getting that Troy and Abed were attempting normal. Because, really, why would he? "Walk away now..."
Loved Shirley's take-no-bullshit stands.
This thread is for comedy TV, including network and cable shows. [NAFDA]
In addition to the moments mentioned above, I enjoyed Andre's completely not even getting that Troy and Abed were attempting normal. Because, really, why would he? "Walk away now..."
Loved Shirley's take-no-bullshit stands.
One of my LJ friends joked that Subway is adopting another NBC bubble show now that Chuck is over, and HA I THINK MAYBE SHE'S RIGHT.
Everyone buy Subway sandwiches to save the show!
I would, but i'm anti-Subway since they named Michael Vick Sportsman of the Year
Five dollar foot-in-mouth.
Community ratings:
The show *beat* American Idol in A18-34, averaging a 2.8 to Idol's 2.5 from 8-8:30.
Can I get a Pop POP?
It is so awesome that Community pulled those numbers. I cant wait to see the epizode. As side note I think this is AI's worst season not to take away from Community but AI has been losing a lit of viewers.
"Big Bang Theory" also was not on. So this was the absolutely best night for them to debut.