Comedy 1: A Little Song, a Little Dance, a Little Seltzer Down Your Pants
This thread is for comedy TV, including network and cable shows. [NAFDA]
One of my LJ friends joked that Subway is adopting another NBC bubble show now that Chuck is over, and HA I THINK MAYBE SHE'S RIGHT.
Everyone buy Subway sandwiches to save the show!
I would, but i'm anti-Subway since they named Michael Vick Sportsman of the Year
Five dollar foot-in-mouth.
Community ratings:
The show *beat* American Idol in A18-34, averaging a 2.8 to Idol's 2.5 from 8-8:30.
Can I get a Pop POP?
It is so awesome that Community pulled those numbers. I cant wait to see the epizode. As side note I think this is AI's worst season not to take away from Community but AI has been losing a lit of viewers.
"Big Bang Theory" also was not on. So this was the absolutely best night for them to debut.
I believe it's totally possible for him to put on normal like a sweater that never fits comfortably and never come back out.
Do you think that's what Troy was doing before he came to Greendale? Pretending to be normal and not realizing there were better fitting sweaters to be had? So maybe de-whimsifying chafes him a little more now than it does Abed.