And as I continue to overanalyze it to death, wouldn't he have just referred to her as his acupuncturist? Because he did clearly refer to her as his sikh later on in the episode.
Actually, she or he said she was a sikh because the prayer circle said "Muslim?" (Which happens with sikhs all the time-so I thought the joke was about assumptions).
Which, nitpicker that I am, was a way for Kurt to say, "I don't reject all religion, I just reject your ideas of religion because they rejected me first."
No, he's an atheist. It's not about rejecting something you feel left out of. It's not believing period.
Yeah, I thought the "my Sikh" reference was just a call-back to the earlier correction from "Muslim?"
The hospital thing really pinged me because I spent much of this summer running interference to keep all of Mom's well-intentioned friends from wearing her out with their constant phone calls, visits, offers to fix dinner, etc. during her hospital stays and recovery. It was all coming from a place of caring about her and wanting to feel like they were contributing to her recovery, but so very not what she needed at the time. I had to be the Bad Guy and tell everyone they needed to back off until she was feeling better and had enough energy to socialize.
Though being a 40-year-old curmudgeon and not having much use for tact under the best circumstances helped get that position heard and obeyed better than Kurt's protestations about religion.
As an aside, it's Rachel who's beginning to really get on my nerves. The charming self-absorption has devolved into a raging megalomania that's gone from funny to painful.
Oh yes. She stopped being charming quite some time ago. And once she sent the new student to a crack house instead of to tryouts, she hit an all-time low. But as usual on this show, nothing anyone does ever has any sort of consequences.
Rachel has never been off my nerves.
It sounded like, "The song was about killing a bunch of people."
I thought it was "I saw this guy kill a bunch of people"
Interesting column on Salon about what's good and bad with Glee.
Finally got to see the last half of Glee over the weekend. Add me to the list of those left breathless by Kurt's rendition of "I Want to Hold Your Hand." I didn't think it was still possible to reimagine a Beatles song so completely, especially one so well known.
They actually borrowed that reimagining from the film, Across the Universe, which in and of itself, does a masterful job of crafting Beatles songs in unique ways. I was thrilled when I heard it, since I ADORE that soundtrack.
Tonight's Glee is directed by ERIC Motherfraking STOLTZ!