All the other characters have quirks that make you either care about, or be amused by them. Chevy's toxic leerer shtick is WAY old.
I loved the dean even more in this episode. His 'still in the room' was a great throw away.
it was A Thing on SNL
It seems that he views himself as the great Silverback of comedy but he isn't all that...wasn't even all that back in the heyday. I loved
Fletch but that was about it.
Now, it's just icky.
Nah, I despise Chevy Chase and yet still love Community.
Yeah, also not a fan. But then, most physical comedy doesn't really work for me so..
I haven't been watching Community mostly cause it's hard to keep up with everything. But I usually like it when I see it.
Just when I think I couldn't be any fonder of Kristin Chenoweth: [link]
Well spoken, Chenoweth. My Dad claims he can't buy Neil Patrick Harris as stright. My family is openly pro-tolerance and it drives me batty when Dad says that. We just don't talk about HIMYM anymore.
You know, I put stock in my gaydar, but I never even considered NPH as gay.
Neil Patrcik Harris was Doogie before my gaydar developed. And I admit sometimes I do have trouble buying certain actors as straight
Tony Curtis
but Barney seems so very straight to me. Maybe Dad has feelings he's covering up.
When I found out that he was gay, I wasn't stunned, but at the same time, he plays a straight guy well enough.
My issue is, I can't believe that *anyone* acts like Barney, but that's a different thing.
Ha! Allow me to introduce you to my friend Bob sometime. Not quite as bad, but close, complete with kind streak he'd prefer no one know about.