My first introduction to Cosby was the albums that a friend's family had.
I vividly remember "Buck Buck" and the downhill go-kart race and the Chicken Heart.
Later research showed that Buck Buck was a children's game that went back to ancient Rome.
Oh yeah - and the sabre-tooth tiger with a lisp!
My grandparents had two of his albums, which were the first comedy albums I ever heard.
I loved his riff on "what if there was an umpire to flip a coin before various battles in history?"
"Colonel Custer, this is Sitting Bull. Sitting Bull, this is Colonel Custer. Call the coin there, Cus'. Colonel Custer called 'heads,' this is 'tails.' You have the call there, Sit. All right, Sitting Bull says that you and your men have to stay down there in the hollow while he and all the Indians in the world ride right down on you."
Heh - that reminds me of his Lone Ranger and Tonto bit.
"Tonto! Don't go to TOWN!!!!!"
That's a weird looking dog you got there, does he bite?
No, but he'll ram the hell out of you.
"Faster! Faster! You fool! You fool!"
The other album my grandparents had had the bit about the time the young Bill found a frog with an awesome croak that sounded like a burp. So, he put the frog in his front pocket, and went to his friends. "'Hey, Weird Harold, I betcha 50 cents my leg can burp!' 'Bet!' 'BRRRRRGGGHHHHPPP!' I made twenty dollars that day, with my burping leg."
I can still recite large chunks of the "dentist" routine. We used to listen to that cassette on family trips.
"Ibe... Ibe wabus wonderububing..."
Fiber! Fiber! Moke! Moke! Moke!
He did that for his encore last year--it was terrific to watch it live, even though I could practically repeat it along with him.