The other album my grandparents had had the bit about the time the young Bill found a frog with an awesome croak that sounded like a burp. So, he put the frog in his front pocket, and went to his friends. "'Hey, Weird Harold, I betcha 50 cents my leg can burp!' 'Bet!' 'BRRRRRGGGHHHHPPP!' I made twenty dollars that day, with my burping leg."
Comedy 1: A Little Song, a Little Dance, a Little Seltzer Down Your Pants
This thread is for comedy TV, including network and cable shows. [NAFDA]
I can still recite large chunks of the "dentist" routine. We used to listen to that cassette on family trips.
"Ibe... Ibe wabus wonderububing..."
Fiber! Fiber! Moke! Moke! Moke!
He did that for his encore last year--it was terrific to watch it live, even though I could practically repeat it along with him.
I love his "Driving in San Francisco" bit. Whenever I get around to visiting SF for the first time, I NEED to see Lombard Street.
I can still recite large chunks of the "dentist" routine. We used to listen to that cassette on family trips.
Mine is "Jeffrey." Especially when traveling and there are monstrous children, I start muttering under my breath, "Jeffrey, Jeffrey, Jeffrey..."
"And the mother, once lovely hair askew, clothes stained, handed the sleeping child over to his father and punched him in the face."
One evening when I was visiting my sister last year, her stepkids had taken over the living room tv to watch the pre-Cosby-Show concert film "Bill Cosby--Himself," which apparently they hadn't seen before. All three of them (aged 10-20) were laughing uproariously. When Sis and I started singing the "Dad is great / He gives us chocolate cake!" lines along with Cos, the kids all looked at us funny. "You've seen this before?" "Oh, yeah, a few times..."
A former roommate loved to go through Cosby's "Noah's Ark" routine regularly. ("What's a cubit?")
My kids have been know to ask for Chocolate Cake for breakfast and break into Cosby's rationalization. I have Himself on iTunes at home, but not on my iTouch. I want to listen to it NOW.
I have Himself on iTunes at home, but not on my iTouch. I want to listen to it NOW.
Smacks forehead
I have this on DVD. I really need to watch that.
The one area of success that eluded Cosby was as a film star. His films with Sydney Poitier in the 70s did OK, but his 80s output was notoriously bomb-tastic.
Of course, he was also in Mother, Jugs and Speed in the 70s, which answers the question "Name a movie that starred Bill Cosby, Harvey Keitel, Raquel Welch and Larry Hagman." A few other familiar character actors turn up as well: [link]