Ah ha:
broach (brōch) pronunciation
tr.v., broached, broach·ing, broach·es.
a. To bring up (a subject) for discussion or debate.
b. To announce: We broached our plans for the new year.
2. To pierce in order to draw off liquid: broach a keg of beer.
3. To draw off (a liquid) by piercing a hole in a cask or other container.
4. To shape or enlarge (a hole) with a tapered, serrated tool.
a. A tapered, serrated tool used to shape or enlarge a hole.
b. The hole made by such a tool.
2. A spit for roasting meat.
3. A mason's narrow chisel.
4. A gimlet for tapping or broaching casks.
5. Variant of brooch.
Isn't a broach a thing a lady wears?
Isn't that a brooch? Or did I totally make up that word, since now it seems totally wrong?
Yes, there's brooch and broach.
OMG this day is the LONGEST EVAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1!1111
Wait a minute there! Isn't a broach a thing a lady wears?
I thought "broach" was a cooking method (not really).
I was joking about the jewelry broach since my mom uses the word often, but now I see that it is often spelled brooch. Learned sumpin new I did.
It's Friday. This is a long day.
"Broach" is also a word describing when a torpedo fails to maintain its set depth and shoots up out of the water.
eta: Other nautical definitions of "broach": [link]
Broast is the cooking method.
the Salem area has a mini-chain of package stores called Bunghole Liquors.
I can see this because of the use of the term in barrels but it's still funny.
Yeah, it's hard to get through the brewery tour at Lakefront Brewery in Milwaukee without snorting and giggling like a twelve-year-old. Though it's just possible the amount of beer they pour into you on those tours is also a contributor.
I was feeling all superior, but then realized that I hadn't known definitions 2-4 of the verb or 1-4 of the noun. Sad now.
edited because quoting the whole definition took too much room, since it was posted so nearby.
I was feeling all superior, but then realized that I hadn't known definitions 2-4 of the verb or 1-4 of the noun. Sad now.
Don't feel bad. We'll always have Spork.
I LOVE SPORK!!! We need more sporks.
(a co-worker gave me the titanium spork from REI for x-mas once. It sits in my desk drawer, as the green room NEVER has any forks, and a spork is all you need (well, and a knife).