And, is everyone taking the exam early, or do you have to create two exams?
I have to create another exam. The really annoying part is that there are three daughters who go to this school, and all three are going to take ALL of their final exams a week early to accomodate their safari. It
To be fair to the family, the parent made the arrangements a year ago, before the school schedule was changed. On our old schedule, exams didn't happen before winter break, and winter break happened the last two weeks of December rather than the last week of December and first week of January. The parents weren't trying to pull their kids out of school; it just ended up happening that way.
I have no problem with the the girls making up the exams when they return. My problem is that these girls will now miss three MORE days of regular class in order to take early exams that have to be created ahead of time by every single teacher for every single girl in every single class. WTF, administration? How is this a good idea? ARGH.
What is this long weekend of which Nora speaks? We have it not.
I don't have Monday off either.
ND, glad to hear the meeting went well.
I like your writing, and I just hope you aren't getting so frustrated at not being published that you're missing out on *enjoying* your own writing. Because you should, IMO.
In terms of being eaten by cats, we now own three. I figure I'm well on my way to being kibble.
She'll learn, correctly, that if you're paying enough people bend over backwards for you. sighhhhhh
But that's the thing. Everyone pays a lot to go here, and this is a first. We've never been asked to do this before. I honestly think that this is an admin's idea of an "efficient" solution.
I would so write that girl a punishing final.
But I have rampaging class issues and don't like being ordered around very much.
I am probably too fucked-up to teach anyone anything, except Magical Cripple things.
Except MC's are probably far nicer than me.
Hmm. I appear to have rubbed salt in the collective wound!
Well, I have a long weekend, so I'll enjoy it with you!
Susan, I am nodding along with what everyone is saying, including totally getting what you're saying. Sometimes life is just, well...yeah.
So, um, can anyone explain to me how I can control myself in clothing stores, make-up stores, electronics stores, bookstores (sometimes), but I cannot control myself in an office supply store. It's absolutely insane! How many *different* kinds of post-its does one *really* need?!
ETA: There was a WHOLE aisle of just post-its in this store. I shit you not.
Well, there you go!
You know that they make Post-It White boards? And special "meeting post-its" that are giant?
You know that they make Post-It White boards? And special "meeting post-its" that are giant?
Oh, I know! I've used them in classes. They are AWESOME!
In totally unrelated news, I came home and went to see Toto. He was on my bed, which is unusual (he's usually curled up in his bed). I opened the door, and I went over to give him a tummy rub. He lept off the bed and into my arms and started kissing my face. It was about the sweetest thing ever. It was almost like he knew I had a long weekend, and we were actually gonna hang out a bit.
No one tell him I'm planning on going out tonight.
I'm the same way in an office supply store, fwiw.