She'll learn, correctly, that if you're paying enough people bend over backwards for you. sighhhhhh
But that's the thing. Everyone pays a lot to go here, and this is a first. We've never been asked to do this before. I honestly think that this is an admin's idea of an "efficient" solution.
I would so write that girl a punishing final.
But I have rampaging class issues and don't like being ordered around very much.
I am probably too fucked-up to teach anyone anything, except Magical Cripple things.
Except MC's are probably far nicer than me.
Hmm. I appear to have rubbed salt in the collective wound!
Well, I have a long weekend, so I'll enjoy it with you!
Susan, I am nodding along with what everyone is saying, including totally getting what you're saying. Sometimes life is just, well...yeah.
So, um, can anyone explain to me how I can control myself in clothing stores, make-up stores, electronics stores, bookstores (sometimes), but I cannot control myself in an office supply store. It's absolutely insane! How many *different* kinds of post-its does one *really* need?!
ETA: There was a WHOLE aisle of just post-its in this store. I shit you not.
Well, there you go!
You know that they make Post-It White boards? And special "meeting post-its" that are giant?
You know that they make Post-It White boards? And special "meeting post-its" that are giant?
Oh, I know! I've used them in classes. They are AWESOME!
In totally unrelated news, I came home and went to see Toto. He was on my bed, which is unusual (he's usually curled up in his bed). I opened the door, and I went over to give him a tummy rub. He lept off the bed and into my arms and started kissing my face. It was about the sweetest thing ever. It was almost like he knew I had a long weekend, and we were actually gonna hang out a bit.
No one tell him I'm planning on going out tonight.
I'm the same way in an office supply store, fwiw.
Ok - that was a funny crosspost. I'm now imagining Susan running into Office Depot and licking the face of the printer cartridge guy,