Aw. You know you've been in Bitches for a while when you can remember back when Teppy really was vanilla. I mean, VERY vanilla! French vanilla, even - we had whole conversations about the sheer lack of kink. (And when Aimee was the Fair Fiancee, and when Billytea lived in the US and was married to somebody else, and when JZ and Hec were a seekrit, and Pete was an unknown quantity, and Bitches used to randomly segue into bits of NC17 RPS starring Spike.)
See, this is what I get for believing people. I've been fondly imagining the liberation of Miss Teppy all this time, only to find out she didn't need liberating.
If it helps at all, I really was married to someone else.
Ah, yes. The "How did you meet?" issue. Generally, saying "oh, you know, the usual -- through friends," tends to work, except when you get really nosy people like *my parents* (eeeeek!), who ask, "Oh, what friends?"
Hee. Wallybee and I met through an online dating site, and she's still somewhat concerned about how that would play with some of her relatives. It was a while before she even told her parents.
Being kinky is never an excuse for poor manners.
Well, yeah. Preach it! Politely.
When I know something like that that ita doesn't, it scares me.
Hee. I freaked out my younger brother once when he found that I'd known for years what bukkake was, and he'd only heard of it last week.
o wait! I wonder if that tear-in-eye->whatAreYouThinking->AnalSex situation was something contrived in Hustler or some such mag for guys to get some back door action. Adding to the "I'm a sensitive 90's kind of guy that just wants to be held.... (and fuck you up the ass)"
Ok, that's a woman with amazingly flexible shoulder joints.
Nothing like coming home to sex talk!
Yeah. Unless you still live with your parents.
Yeah seriously, do what with the toy boats now? I've been reading Savage Love since the
Hey Faggot
days and I never heard of a toy boat fetish.
Also brussels sprouts rule.
I just printed a recipe for borscht but one of the instructions is (after boiling it with some other vegetables) to take out and discard the beet. Does that seem right to you?
I googles "toy boat fetish" and got Zuni fetishes (the little charms) at a toy store called
While not as horrifying as ita's porngoogle links (and really, what is?) I am no more enlightened.
It can't be as scary as goatse, though.
It can't be as scary as goatse, though.
Yes, the possibility of coming across some goatse-like image in the process of reserching toy boat fetishism is why I wish one of you guys would explain it here in text instead.
The fetish map. I get just about everything on there, but can't wrap my head around the boats. Map description including key.
eta: flexible shoulder joints? really?
I wish one of you guys would explain it here in text instead.
Don't look at me! (For once.) My kinky compatriots say that it IS a real fetish, but I don't think that any of them *have* that fetish, so they didn't have much to say about it.
Not every link of ita's has squicked me. Am I the only one who thought the three old guys were kinda sweet?
Okay, in looking at the fetish map, and where "toy boats" is placed, I think it's just a super-specific subset of the rubber/vinyl fetish as well as a super-super-specific subset of the "vinyl pool toy" fetish.
t edit
And of the "inflatable" fetish.
Like, there are people whose fetish is *anything* made of rubber or vinyl -- it's the material that's their fetish.
Then there are people who need the rubber/vinyl to be in the form of something inflatable.
Then there are people who need the inflatable rubber/vinyl to specifically be in the form of a pool toy -- swimmies, an inner tube, a raft of any sort, etc.
And THEN there are people who need the inflatable rubber/vinyl pool toy to *specifically* be a boat.
That's my best guess.
Congrats, Suzi! It's almost over!