Some of them had threaded their bells on to fishing line and treaded THAT through the skin on their arms - one bell to a piercing.
Hmmm. On the other hand, maybe I *wouldn't* try it.
Although the "corset" play piercings look SO cool. I think I'd try *that.*
From 2005 - White Rats dancers at rest, and performing.
Although the "corset" play piercings look SO cool. I think I'd try *that.*
I always want to try it, and then I remember that I scar like crazy. So NSM. Well, and now there's a gigantor tattoo in the way, but still.
The fact that he can talk to you about it, AND the fact that he's clearly educating himself (the how-to book), is awesome.
It really is.
I'm so proud of him for turning his repressed background into healthy expression. And, right out of the box, no pun intended...he found a seemingly great, thoughtful, kind playmate. If she breaks his heart I will, of course, have to go all 'splodey on her narrow behind, but for now I'm grateful for what he is learning and how.
Daisy Jane, sounds like a keeper to me.
If your sister doesn't want him, ship him here.
Although the "corset" play piercings look SO cool.
Yes, but...but. All I can see is the redness and the owey and the potential for infection...and snagging on things...
t /nobody's mom
I'm still bitter that I'm not getting on a plane on Friday. Damn university president inviting me to a meeting on Monday!!
t ignoring owie piercing posts
I want this coat! [link]
ETA: This one too! [link]
Covet, covet: [link]
More pretties: [link]
Although the "corset" play piercings look SO cool.
Yes, but...but. All I can see is the redness and the owey and the potential for infection...and snagging on things...
They're only temporary, so the potential for snagging on things is lower. As for the potential of infection -- that's what sterile needles and alcohol are for.
Although the "corset" play piercings look SO cool. I think I'd try *that.*
Yeah, that's kind of appealing. Huh.