Apparently giving in to the passion of the moment is less of a sin than planning ahead of time for sex.
Well, not to say I don't appreciate the irony, but... yeah.
Don't get me wrong, it irritates me every bit as much, given that somehow having a child when you're not remotely ready for it and raising the chances of giving both it and yourself a terrible life is NOT a sin. But it's not inconsistent.
The Boy finally posted some pictures of his Harley:
NICE bike!!
It *is,* but he needs to sell it.
I wanna bike.
Yeah? I know of a 1984 Harley for sale....
Yeah? I know of a 1984 Harley for sale....
kicks sand
I wanna husband that will let me have a bike.
I knew someone who thought both birth control and premarital sex were wrong, but she ended up getting pregnant out of wedlock.
Studies show that this is pretty common -- teen pregnancy rates among girls who've taken Purity Pledges are higher than among those who haven't, mostly because the sort of people who encourage their daughters to take Purity Pledges also tend to be anti-sex ed.
I wanna husband that will let me have a bike.
Make husband take MSF course with you. Alternately, tell him "You're not the boss of me!" and stick out your tongue. (Either way, take the course.)
tell him "You're not the boss of me!" and stick out your tongue.
we're back to the kink...
mostly because the sort of people who encourage their daughters to take Purity Pledges also tend to be anti-sex ed.
The only states that showed a less than 20% drop in teen pregnancy rates are also the states that teach "abstinence only" sex ed in public schools.