mostly because the sort of people who encourage their daughters to take Purity Pledges also tend to be anti-sex ed.
The only states that showed a less than 20% drop in teen pregnancy rates are also the states that teach "abstinence only" sex ed in public schools.
Studies show that this is pretty common -- teen pregnancy rates among girls who've taken Purity Pledges are higher than among those who haven't, mostly because the sort of people who encourage their daughters to take Purity Pledges also tend to be anti-sex ed.
And, as someone from that world, I completely agree.
Personal annecdote. When I had to tell my parents that I'd had sex, my mom's first comment was, "But you signed a purity pledge!"
When I was in high school, sex ed pretty much consisted of "sex is bad! don't!". That and the rumor that if you sat on a chair right after a boy had, you could get pregnant. Birth control wasn't available to anyone who wasn't married or at least engaged, abortion still illegal. Bunch of girls didn't finish high school because they got pregnant and had to "go visit an aunt". shudder.
Daisy Jane!!! The Boy finally posted some pictures of his Harley: [link]
Feel free to pass the pictures on to Mr. Jane.
Ooooh! I will! I don't think we're getting the other bike (it hasn't been mentioned since I got back from Houston), plus that looks like one I can pick up.
Bunch of girls didn't finish high school because they got pregnant and had to "go visit an aunt".
I just finished a heart-wrenching bok called "The Girls Who Went Away: The Hidden History of Women Who Surrendered Children for Adoption in the Decades Before Roe v. Wade".
I just finished a heart-wrenching bok called "The Girls Who Went Away: The Hidden History of Women Who Surrendered Children for Adoption in the Decades Before Roe v. Wade".
The author was on NPR (DR, I think) not too long ago, and yes, handmaid's tale-like awful.
One of my young friends is exploring his kink with a vengeance. His parents recently mentioned that he had a 'hot date' but that they had no information about the datee. Thank dog for my poker face. Move along ' really don't want to know.
Sex, sex, sex, kinky sex, sex.
Yep, must be Tuesday in Bitches.
In memememe news, saw my hematologist today. Back to the IV Iron but with added testing to figure out the other stuff. I have a brain MRI and bone scan on Friday and a bunch of additional blood tests. No answers, just trying to get more information. Fun. Not.
But I'm going to work from home this afternoon - just buzzing to the office to meet -t for a quick moment and to pick up some stuff from my desk.
My favorite at the Catholic university I attended was the girl who explained to me freshman year how homosexuality was wrong because "The Church" said so, but seemed to have no problem being on the Pill or sleeping around.
This pretty much describes my freshman year roommate.
We didn't get along all that well.