But I figure those of us who hate the very idea of being perceived as lazy probably AREN'T lazy and are rarely/never viewed that way. Of course, I really DO procrastinate way too much, which sometimes has the same effect as laziness...
We could be the same person! I would say the exact same thing about worrying about lazy probably means no lazy...and yet.
I'm working hard on doing what it takes to feel better about how I spend my time...both using it more efficiently and being okay when I don't.
Process! It's always a process.
Thanks for the encouraging words. I really appreciate it.
Being perceived as lazy is a huge trigger for me.
Ha. that used to be a major trigger for me . not so much anymore - I realized I am not that ambitious - which isn't the same as lazy. I work hard - and do my best at almost everything I do - but i don't have any need to go higher , faster, or farther. When I do set goals, they are usually tangible and have some obvious benefit to me. I still get pinged by the word lazy - but it isn't the big word it used to be
eta: I started this before I saw bonny's post
My head hurts. In possibly related news, can you use table salt to rim margarita glasses? Or is kosher salt better?
I would go with kosher salt, Raq.
In other news, thanks for all the hugs and well wishes. We're still waiting to find out what the hell is going on, exactly, other than the basic fact that he's dying.
I'm at the hospital while GF and her mom visit her dad in the ICU. He seems to be doing okay. They are waiting for a room to open up to move him out of the ICU. Up goes the rollercoaster.
{{{GC}}} More ~ma for all of you.
I'm having people over tonight for Dave's birthday, and for once I feel organized and on top of things. Brownies were baked last night. Pesto and dip were made this morning. Pomegrante martinis are all made up in a pitcher in the fridge. The veggies are chopped and ready to be roasted, and the fruit for dessert is all chopped up and in bowls as well. I'm probably forgetting something really important, but I don't think I am.
Sox, thanks for the bubble wrap. Funny. The head thumping wasn't b/c of the wi-fi, it was b/c of the silly designer. Tho, it COULD be for that too. Boy these last few days was with a lot of reasons to bash one's head. Oy. Ya, I think a lot of admin folks and my current designer grabbed the dumb spray instead of the hairspray this week. And they just kept spraying!
Moving out of the ICU is a huge step, GC. I'm so glad for your GF and her family.
I don't worry about appearing lazy. I know full well I am a lazy lazy SOB. I just worry that some day my lassitude will cause me to make horrible lapses that can't be fixed with my lazy CYA methods.
Looks like a mudslide, tastes like brownies in chocolate sauce
That sounds deeeeelicious!
I am so annoyed. So I had a whole plan, sent out an evite, for the Maize Maze, which I organize every year. Wanted to do it before I left for Seattle. Which means, next weekend. Usually do it at night, but.
A pillar of the drag king community died a few weeks ago, and there was going to be this benefit/remembrance performance thing all afternoon on Saturday, so I figured I would clean my (by then empty) apartment, and Sunday afternoon do the maze. (It's only open late Fri/Sat night, and too hard to get there in Friday evening rushhour traffic).
Turns out? The benefit is on SUNDAY, not Saturday like I thought.
So not only do I look like an asshole for ignoring it and sending out a big "come have fun with me!" but half my friends can't come because they're doing that.
On the upside, I had the YUMMIES omelet today. It had sausage and black beans and cheese and plantains in it. MMmmmm.