Moving out of the ICU is a huge step, GC. I'm so glad for your GF and her family.
I don't worry about appearing lazy. I know full well I am a lazy lazy SOB. I just worry that some day my lassitude will cause me to make horrible lapses that can't be fixed with my lazy CYA methods.
Looks like a mudslide, tastes like brownies in chocolate sauce
That sounds deeeeelicious!
I am so annoyed. So I had a whole plan, sent out an evite, for the Maize Maze, which I organize every year. Wanted to do it before I left for Seattle. Which means, next weekend. Usually do it at night, but.
A pillar of the drag king community died a few weeks ago, and there was going to be this benefit/remembrance performance thing all afternoon on Saturday, so I figured I would clean my (by then empty) apartment, and Sunday afternoon do the maze. (It's only open late Fri/Sat night, and too hard to get there in Friday evening rushhour traffic).
Turns out? The benefit is on SUNDAY, not Saturday like I thought.
So not only do I look like an asshole for ignoring it and sending out a big "come have fun with me!" but half my friends can't come because they're doing that.
On the upside, I had the YUMMIES omelet today. It had sausage and black beans and cheese and plantains in it. MMmmmm.
I hope Emmett's having a happy birthday despite the rain. The cake sounds scrumptious.
urp. have eaten at Gordon Biersch, and then ice creamed at Graeters. Tom had the Pumpkin with the Cinnamon, and I had the Buckeye Blitz.
Have been having a lovely time with the kids. They are Teh Awesome.
Now for more Oktoberfest drinking!
Thanks for the continued ~ma. Still awaiting a bed...
Happy b-day to Emmett! Hope it was swell.
We forgot that Avatar started last night and we missed it! Anyone know if/when they rerun? Must have Avatar!
We forgot that Avatar started last night and we missed it!
I am in the same boat, GC.
If you haven't seen the video of the San Diego Governor's announcement from the 19th I urge you to go search for it on YouTube. I wish Schwarzenegger had this guy's guts. I hope that this video will go down in history as a turning point in the struggle for marriage rights.
Avatar fans, come over to our house! It's on our TiVo.
It'll rerun this week. I'll check the listings.
Oh, like that's a BAD thing.
Turned out to be the most popular cake in Emmett Birthday History.
Sun came out long enough to have ten boys in the pool jumping, leaping, wrestling, dunking and generally being head-butting goat boys. Which was very good because other wise EM's apartment would've been destroyed by their energy.
Nobody got hurt and nobody cried. Yay!
Pizza was had. Cake was gobbled. (It really was very good. Especially with the ice cream.) I gave Emmett S4 of the Simpsons, which prompted a viewing of "Kamp Krusty." Kids rolled off about 3 and 3:30. Three were left to sleep over with Emmett tonight.
I don't know what EM was thinking having sleepovers on back to back nights but she was getting seriously fried.
Oh well, everybody's gone by tomorrow morning and she can collapse.
Very successful birthday, really.
I'm glad Emmett had a good birthday. Dave's birthday gathering was also successful. Our friends just left, dinner went well, and fun was had.