Although having had my own police shooting innocent people dead for having dark skin while wearing a back pack and running when challenged, I'm also a big fan of not killing people just on suspicion of being terrorists. But I think we're all pretty much of that opinion, yeah? And glad that your guys didn't shoot her just for looking suspicious, whether through thoughtlessness or on purpose?
Completely agree.
However, I find it hard to swallow that someone not acting in a threatening way, merely asking about an *incoming flight* and not causing a problem should be accosted by several tommygun wielding men screaming at the top of their lungs.
And this.
I had a reservation on Pan Am 103. I lost my best friend and another friend in an actual terrorist action. I get the need for increased awareness and vigilance. But there comes a point where the 'protection' from terrorism becomes the terrorism.
Very few terrorist activities involve foreshadowing...that's the nature of the beast. Thinking that automatic weapons and jump attacks by authorities will keep us safe is a bit naive.
The recent plots busted in England and German were brought down by intelligence and covert activities.
In a post 9/11 world, it is incumbent upon the leadership of this country to become a better global citizen, reduce the inspiration for terroristic outbursts and to keep its citizens aware of what each of us can do to be wise.
The messages on the Metro these days, "Is that your bag?" Encouraging people to be mindful of unattended objects. That makes sense to me.
Also - judgment really should have another "e" in there. Just saying.
Uh. No. The preferred spelling is judgment.
Susan, you hit on something that really, really scares me...and while I know why, I've never really gotten past it. Being perceived as lazy is a huge trigger for me. Do not WANT.
I hear you--I'm the same way. But I figure those of us who hate the very idea of being perceived as lazy probably AREN'T lazy and are rarely/never viewed that way. Of course, I really DO procrastinate way too much, which sometimes has the same effect as laziness...
Uh. No. The preferred spelling is judgment.
In the US, yes. But not everywhere. It's one of the words listed under UK/US spelling differences.
Heh. I
lazy and I still finished a book and two articles this summer.
It's crazy scramble time at Chez Zmayhem.
The birthday cake is out of the oven but I have to make the frosting from scratch.
Our pool party got RAINED OUT!
So now we have to keep a pack of 11 year old boys entertained for a couple hours in doors.
I've decided that I'll frost the cake but let them decorate it. Open presents first instead of last so we can play with stuff. Pizza. DVD. Cake.
In between? The greatest indoor sport ever invented: Slow Motion Balloon Volleyball!
Assuming that she really didn't answer, and actually was asked, then some kind of action being taken is one thing.
Pressing charges AFTER it was found to be a non-malicious fuck up and compounding that by saying she's just lucky they didn't use deadly force is an entirely different ball of wax.
I absolutely agree, Plei. Also the fact that she is non-white raised my eyebrow as well.
And terroristic charges shouldn't be pressed against the guys that hung them (I believe those were dropped within a few days).
It was weeks, if not a couple of months until they dropped those charges.
I can't judge the reaction of the authorities in the moment- they have to do what they think is right, in the blink of an eye. But then charging her was just lame ass. That's the Boston way, it seems. Hey, you made us look stupid! Um, that's a crime now, don't you know?
When in fact they shouldn't worry about looking stupid for doing their job. Maybe I'm ascribing a false motivation, but that's what it seems like from the outside.
ION, Skybus=FAIL once again. Flight was 3 hours late, getting us in (and causing my BIL to pick us up at) 2:15am.
8:30am, the kids were clamoring for aunt and uncle time. Heh. It's quiet/nap time now.
Incidentally, I meant to ask before - what does A/IP (if I recall the initials properly) mean?
A/PI. Asian/Pacific Islander, I believe.
Yep. Asian/Pacific Islander. It's just really hard for be to believe we'd have seen that same reaction if she hadn't had brown skin.
Cake fell apart.
Icing is 1 lb. of Trader Joe's chocolate melted and whisked with cream and butter.
Looks like a mudslide, tastes like brownies in chocolate sauce.
We're off!
Looks like a mudslide, tastes like brownies in chocolate sauce.
Oh, like that's a BAD thing.