I just spent 10 minutes on the phone trying to give a woman directions on how to get here. I don't drive to campus, so I rely on the directions we have posted to tell me street names and numbers of traffic lights. She keeps saying things like, "is that after that little bridge, you know where they have that statue thing?"
that. My direction conversation normally goes like this.
Yeah, can you give me directions?
I'm on Brookline
I'm sorry, I don't know where that is.
It's off of 67
Ok. 67 to 35 to...
Do I make a left or a right onto 67?
DJ shoots herself
Hello!?! Left or right!!?
DJ, I feel your pain. Of course, I grew up in a family where, when my mother was navigating and we came to an intersection and my father said, "do I turn left or right," she replied, "yes."
My DH gives terrible directions. He's prone to say, "turn here" and when you turn, "I didn't mean here."
Yay for house, Miracleborns! Yay yay yay!
I am posting from the past! about 400 messages in the past, to be clear. Cause Monday I was all interviewy, and Tuesday I was sleeping off the redeye, and Tuesday night I was out with coworkers, and Wednesday I was....sleeping, and last night I was TURNING THIRTY! (And Vortex and Toddson were there!!) It was fun. And I got drunk, and kept saying that all my friends were very pretty. Which is TRUE. Though they were prettier than they look in the pictures I just downloaded off my camera. Some of the pictures are not pretty. But my friends? Very pretty.
So now I skim and catch up:
Also, Miss Manners says that you don’t congratulate the woman, you congratulate the man, but wish her the best
Hmmm. Interesting. I suspect if I told some women I know "I wish you the best" they'd be oddly insulted, as if I were doomsaying the marriage!
"Hey Sally, I hear you're getting married. Sorry to hear that. Well, I hope it works out... best of luck!"
...or what Tommyrot said.
Though it does remind me of how you're supposed to say things like "best wishes" at a baby shower, and not "congratulations", until the baby is actually born.
I have had a steady stream of students telling me that they're not validated. Joy. they all have to be done manually, and someone else has to do it. Feh.
Hee. I read this and was like "validated? Like parking, or like "you're a very good student, I promise!!""
ION, I have broken my personal "no b.org at school this year" rule after only four hours of being back. Well done, me!
Hah! yay, Kristin!
Oooh, my Moo mini cards came in today! I got 100 cards with pictures of the kids on them and my name/email/mobile phone on them.
One of my coworkers had those! They were adorable, and nice when she took another job, and could hand those out with her personal info.
ND's diamond unikilt is too tight! (read as = Go You!)
Indeed! Go NoiseDesign!
Re: rings, I would need something to make an engagement feel real. I need ceremonial rites of passage. It wouldn't have to be anything expensive, just something special.
What Zenkitty said--I'd want SOMETHING. Not a diamond solitaire, but...
I confess to having a horrible mental image of someone trying to clean eye makeup off with olive oil, only to remember part way through the process that it was jalepeno-infused olive oil.
The game was great fun and I think it will be very exciting to watch when it comes out next month.
Laga, are you allowed to say what the game was about, even if you can't say if you won anything?
Thanks for all the happy birthdays, everyone!
MEARA! Happy Birthday!! And I am hoping like crazy hope against all hope that the company checking your refs is in the Bay Area!?
Nope, I haven't heard from the Bay Area company! :(
ION: at work. Someone has absconded with our order of 500 condoms!!! We suspect the USPS
Do the people at USPS really get enough sex to need 500 condoms? I guess some mail carriers are hot...just not ones I've seen...
Yay Miracleborns and the house!!
I'm so sorry I missed your b'day, meara! In addition to stuff, one of my librarians had shingles diagnosed yesterday (and, it turns out another librarian doesn't think he ever had chicken pox) so I had to stay late and cover.
hurray for miraclecasa!
ok, this is getting ridiculous. I just got a call because someone couldn't log on to her scheduling application and her CMS module. Her password wouldn't work. IT sent her my way. Fine. Re-set password, guessing she couldn't remember the old one. Get on phone with Someone. Tell her to go to the login screen.
her: ok. Um. I see the baltimore sun.
me: ??
her: They gave me a new computer and it has the baltimore sun on it.
me: ... um, ok? can you get to the login screen?
her: I closed the browser window and opened it back up again. Nope. Still the baltimore sun.
downward-facing-dog-headdesk when I realize that she has not only been trying to log into WebApps via the baltimore sun, but that she has no idea how to reach any page that doesn't come up as the default page.
who is passing around the funky kool-aid?
Hee. I read this and was like "validated? Like parking, or like "you're a very good student, I promise!!""
heh. like parking. it means that you've done everything that you're supposed to do to start the year. Of course, I had a girl come into the office full of attitude and tell me that she couldn't buy her books. I was like "excuse me? class has been going on for four days, and you JUST went to buy books?" Then she says "well, can you get me some books temporarily?" NO. If you had been even the slightest bit consciensious, checked ONE screen, logged in ONE time, read one of the FIVE emails sent, logged into Facebook even, you would have known about this.
OMG, Sox. I've run into plenty of people who couldn't figure out how to change the default homepage, but couldn't navigate away from it at all...?
MAJOR keeping-job~ma to KathyA and Jilli