Sorry to have missed your response, Omnis. Would you believe I was busy on the phone to Drew? Guess that's a tad ironic.
Whaaa??? :: shocked:: you mean? the communicates in other forms than here?? ;-)
Sorry, I still get a kick that folks check in here more often than their e-mails (i.e. "insent")
omnis, I stand with you. Mayo is freaky. Not us.
WhoHoo! I don't stand alone!
(does that mean I am no longer "The Cheese"??)
What Plei said. It's worse than bacon.
I don't really like regular mayo, but I love Veganaise. It's a similar taste, but less greasy.
Ok, quick poll: Is a couple engaged when they agree to get married, or when after such agreement, a gemstone ring changes hands?
Someone on my lj flist made a breathless announcement that she was officially engaged because she was now wearing a big rock on her hand. The next day she got all huffy because only three people congratulated her. Now, I had congratulated her wayyyyy back when, when she said she had agreed to, some day in the future, marry this guy. So I didn't put a real high priority on congratulating her again (esp. since I had to skedadle to get to work on time). This is not the only source of my puzzlement about the subtle differences in the social status between having accepted a marriage proposal, and getting an engagement ring. I had a roommate after college, who insisted she wasn't truly engaged yet, but was going to get engaged at some point after she and her intended went ring shopping. My point with her was that they had already had the conversation and had come to an agreement that they were planning to get married (in some more committed fashion than Becky Thatcher and Tom Sawyer), therefore they were as officially engaged as it was possible to be.
Perhaps I had been reading too many Jane Austen novels.
What say the Bitches?
Whaaa??? :: shocked:: you mean? the communicates in other forms than here?? ;-)
Sure, why Daniel and I use IM all the time. And once in a while, we even break out the Dry Erase Marker and write notes. Not to mention I almost communicated with him earlier tonight by throwing a handful of drill bits at his head, but upon mature reflection decided it wasn't his fault the drill didn't fit inside the brackets for the Roman shades.
Oh, hey, did I mention, we got two of the new shades installed tonight? Looks spiffy in the bedroom. I can't wait to get them up in the enclosed porch - it's gonna be so sunny in there. And it looks much improved just having those heavy dark drapes taken down.
Mayonnaise is the ooze of the devil, unless it's holding together chicken salad with the absolute minimum amount.
I say, if you are in love, a marriage proposal accepted says you are engaged. If you are a gold digger, then I guess you'd need the ring. But I'm a hopeless romantic with a not-so-large income.
A friend of mine got engaged. Her bf got down on a knee and flashed a pair of Jimmy Buffet tickets and said "would you marry me?" She was so filled with glee. Not only engaged, but tickets to see Buffet!!! As she put it "a much more practical gift than a silly rock".