I swear, parents doing things like that--they should help pay for therapy.
Googling has just reinforced my suspicion that these magnesium supplements I'm taking are fucking with my stomach. Grr.
I've spent time the past couple days reading the Something Awful forums. Their software does some phrase switching--"fuck" seems to be replaced by "gently caress." What gets confusing is that some verb is being replaced by "loving" and I can't work out which--"screw," maybe? No--I think "screwed" is changed to "hosed." "Ass" becomes "rear end" and I'm also not sure what is changed to "top hat." Oh, and "shit" is "poo poo." So you end up with things like:
Seriously, why the gently caress do girls do that? This sort of vindictive "I WILL KILL YOU BECAUSE YOUR HAVENT TRIED TO KILL ME YET!" attitude really takes a poo poo on ones self esteem.
Ignore the topic--I just got caught up in reading about tons of people I don't know and how their relationships ended.