this has been a crazy ass summer weather wise. we're in a drought and all around us are people flooding. not to mention the 100 + temperatures almost the whole month of august.
my best friend was trying to fly out of chicago to austin last night and they cancelled her flight and couldn't promise her one out until saturday. so she had to cancel her trip.
But at the same time, wigging on the secretary is not the greatest response to her frustration.
No, it isn't. I usually just remind my boss that I am frustrated that other people don't have to do it, and then I go ahead and do it. Mine isn't usually for Lunch hour, though, it is usually for one or two weeks vacation in another department, so I really can't get any of my own work done, and my boss is just as frustrated as I am, because she has to do my work!
Meanwhile, we had one of the coldest August days ever this week. [link]
I kind of want sushi, oddly enough, but I don't trust this area of town to have any good sushi. Not even the decent enough stuff (by my standards) that you can pick up in a grocery store.
What should I have instead?
Skilling said that there's a Canadian front forming that will likely move in by the end of next week and both cool us down and dry us out some.
What should I have instead?
Dunno! Any good Indian around? I'm having a giant vat of spaghetti that I actually remembered to grab from the refrigerator as I was leaving for work this morning.
Dude, corn is fucking evil. The more you learn about it, the more you realize that we're headed for a cornpocalypse. It's bizarre.
Sadly, I'm dubious about most of the ethnic food out here. Indian sounds really good, though.
t sigh
Susan, I was in Birmingham for one of those weeks too . Suuuuuuuucked to be outside, and even worse to drive around in a car with no A/C.
B'more was doing the same thing that week, so I wouldn't have avoided it. Except I have a/c in my car.
t scarred for life
I'm dubious about most of the ethnic food out here.
Then I'd say you are obligated to get something with french fries.