So what are people having/did they have for lunch?
I had leftover thing I made last night from the new Latin American food issue of Gourmet. Scrambled eggs, tortilla chips, chorizo, and onion. YUM! Super easy and bad 4 you! Also, some grape tomatoes and carrots. Later I will have a pluot.
and maybe some afternoon caffeine. I'm very, very tired.
That takedown of the WSJ article deserves an "oh, snap!"
I don't know what lunch is today (we haven't been getting that email yet). Everyone else's sounds good though.
I did a "do you know this quote" meme in my LJ, [link] and there were two left over.
Do you know who said these:
I want this now. This is important to me. I'm an adult and I wanna grow a goatee.
My ass is not pansy.
Imagining wee Matilda as Maggie will amuse me for a very large portion of the day.
Does this mean Matilda will sound like Elizabeth Taylor when she starts talking?
My ass is not pansy.
Wasn't this
Wesley (talking to Gunn)?
edited to whitefont (and spelling
Wesley as not Welsey
If people MUST watch animals battle, "box turtle v. kitty" is an excellent alternative
(completely, utterly, absolutely, harmless)
Eek- I feel I should know who said "my ass is not pansy!"
I had homemade lasagna for lunch. It was Yummy McYummersons!
In annoying cow-orker news, the out-loud email reader is now reading our office supply orders out loud. And asking us to confirm the numbers we wrote down. Even though, if she would just let us, we could type the orders in ourselves. I have never met a person who felt herself above so many people, but hangs on to so many low level tasks. (That is, she is senior to me, but I have to balance and create a spreadsheet for my deposits, which she copies by hand onto the deposit slips, because she is afarid I will make a mistake in writing them. Meanwhile, I could steal all the money in the world, because I am the one doing the balancing)
Lunch today was Banquet chicken tenders, peas and applesauce.
I should be wearing a hair net.