Eek- I feel I should know who said "my ass is not pansy!"
I had homemade lasagna for lunch. It was Yummy McYummersons!
In annoying cow-orker news, the out-loud email reader is now reading our office supply orders out loud. And asking us to confirm the numbers we wrote down. Even though, if she would just let us, we could type the orders in ourselves. I have never met a person who felt herself above so many people, but hangs on to so many low level tasks. (That is, she is senior to me, but I have to balance and create a spreadsheet for my deposits, which she copies by hand onto the deposit slips, because she is afarid I will make a mistake in writing them. Meanwhile, I could steal all the money in the world, because I am the one doing the balancing)
Lunch today was Banquet chicken tenders, peas and applesauce.
I should be wearing a hair net.
lunch today will probably end up being cheese and crackers because i don't feel like eating the chicken noodle soup i brought and i'm trying to save money by not eating out so much.
"box turtle v. kitty"
that turtle is remarkably fast and kind of a bully! ha!
Speaking of funny quotes: Edain, what's the source of your tag?
Being hungover is like winning the lottery, except they pay you in regret!
Because it is SO TRUE!
Being hungover is like winning the lottery, except they pay you in regret!
That was in Dinosaur Comics a couple of days ago.
I am so bummed I didn't recognize the Dan Rydell one.
Speaking of funny quotes: Edain, what's the source of your tag?
Took it from this Dinosaur comic:
I am so bummed I didn't recognize the Dan Rydell one.
Me too. Clearly we must punish ourselves by watching Sports Night.