Calla, maybe something by Christopher Moore? Though they err on the side of the fantastical with demons and vampires and so on, but in a magic realism way.
I just enjoyed the heck out of
The Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
by Mark Haddon, and that might also appeal.
The Nanny Diaries
might also be a good book club discussion....
I just had my hair cut by my Mom's beautician in the kitchen here. I don't think I've had my hair cut at home since I was like, 4. Hecubot will be pleased to know that it's chin-length.
For bon bon: Matt Damon may or may not live on Lafayette: [link]
Happy birthday, Clara! You have the same name as my much-loved grandmother.
Where did the babies go? They're all growed up. Still cute, though.
Clara's TWO???!!?!?
She can't be two! She was just born!
Where did the baby go?!
I don't KNOW! How'd our kids get so big? Next think you know, Jess will be posting pictures of Little D's prom!
Man, those kids have gotten big! And adorable-er.
I think maybe the stroller/carseat combo may be a UAB thing. Or an Alabama thing, given the number of billboards for parenting hotlines and the like. It does give me a bit of pause. Though the state kid insurance program is ridiculous. It
the child be uninsured for 3 months. Which is just wrong.
All in all, just weird.
Took the kids to the McWane center (a hands-on kids' activity museum- exploratorium like) which was a lot of fun. Visited my brother's lab, scared his boss with the childrens, went out to lunch with his labmate and met some of his former labmates. It was fun. If unbelievably hot. Did I mention walking 10+ blocks in 100 F? And my brother's car has no a/c? Came back and hid from the heat making aquariums and fish, excuse me, eels and pirhanas, out of legos.
I've got probably 30 minutes before the brood starts stirring, so I need to go back upstairs and prep a bottle.
This picture. This one. Just...
::dies and is ded::
Happy birthday, lovely Clara!
Aww, cute babies.
Dear Headache,
Seriously, where the hell did you just come from?
Dear Asshole Stomping On Packing Bubbles,
You're not helping. I WILL cut you.
Spider pig, spider pig....