Commercial for 1970s game: "Ball Buster"
Announcer (who sounds like he's polished off a couple of hi-balls): "The name of the game is Ball Buster. It's a family game. Fun for children." And for adults it's exciting. You make strategic offensive and defensive movements. Then try to bust your opponents balls."
From the WFMU blog post:
One of the strange things about getting older is that you can't tell if some of those childhood memories you had were real, or just excited kids fever dreams. I had this problem a few days ago when I was trying to describe to an old friend about a TV ad I used to see for a board game where the dad yells out "You're a ball buster!" Did I make that up? Well, I can't actually prove the real things that happened to me (did I actually see the boy next door dressed in women's clothes and pretending to hump a telephone pole when I was ten?), but thanks to the interweb, I can now prove my sanity vis a vie those tee vee memories. And is "Ball Buster".
Haven't actually watched the clip, as I'm at work....