Oh my goodness, Jessica. Craziness!
Also, I'm totally not advocating pulling the whole world down into addiction for every pain, but dude, c'mon. Addiction is not what we're worried about right now. The last two days of pain are what we're worried about! Sheesh.
In my news about me, I am a total klutz. My sister & family (including toddler & kiddo) are coming out to visit us for the first time. But we have a big furry dog, and they have allergies, so we're putting them up at our friends' house, who also has allergies and therefore, no dog. Which is great, and means that we'll probably have a very good visit, but it's complicating the food situation.
Referencing back to yesterday's discussion, I may feel wealthy, but that doesn't mean it's easy to feed an additional four people suddenly. I wish I were better and more gracious about hosting. I'd like to be, but damn if it isn't expensive. So our plan was, yesterday I made spaghetti sauce for dinner tomorrow. Today I'm making pizzas to bake later for dinner tonight. Then we can splurge for lunch tomorrow and take them to the superfabulous Japanese restaurant.
I made two of the three pizzas, a mushroom & onion one, and a cheese one for the kids. I had put the cheese one in the freezer. And I went to put the mushroom & onion one in the freezer, and I don't know exactly what happened, but the cheese one came flying out of the freezer and spun across the room (I swear!) flinging cheese and sauce everywhere and landing upside down in a glorious heap on the freshly cleaned tile floor.
I know. Only me.
The dog was very very excited at this turn of events, although to his credit remained where he was on command until I cleaned the worst of it up.
I was short of cheese anyway, so now the plan is for me to have a nice mushroom & onion pizza for lunch, and we'll have the spaghetti tonight, and we'll figure something else out for supper tomorrow. If I get the energy back up, I'll try to get some more cheese and make some more sauce and we'll try the pizzas again for tomorrow. But right now? I am so done.