I would like to note for the record, though, that Owen climbs the stair while chanting "sube."
Em has been known to stand in front of a closed door and shout "abierto" expecting it to open for her.
When my niece wants something and we say "what do you say?" she replies "por favor" instead of "please". It actually kind of bothers my parents, which I find odd.
eta: or maybe I should say pourquoi?
Yeah, it's wierd. My mother sort of pouts and says "why doesn't she say please" I respond because Dora says por favor. And our culture gets more bilingual every day, so it can only help her to know some spanish.
Picking up languages is easiest when you're young!
This would be a good time to post this song from this week's Flight of the Conchords-- for all former French students, megan, and bossa nova fans (Hec): [link]
I don't get youtube but I think that is the Foux Da Fa Fa song clip from this week's ep. Otherwise it's also here: [link]
What my neighborhood looks like now.
Holy crap! I'm glad you're all OK.
All the NYistas have checked in, right?
Foux Da Fa Fa
Fun. Thank you for helping me avoid working for another couple minutes.
Okay it is currently 12 degrees COOLER in Las Vegas, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DESERT, than it is here.
Acutal comment received by my boss from a big wig this morning.
"Brenda was excellent to work with on BS."
Now, in this case that happens to be just the initials of the client in question. Which is not to say he didn't stumble on a bit of deeper truth there.