Screw you, George Carlin. I HAVE BESTED YOU.
In your face, George Carlin!
My mom just got the copy I bought her and she is reading it now. Of course, she thinks it is already the GREATEST BOOK EVER WRITTEN because my name is in it. Moms= goofy.
Every time The Boy is at my apartment, he reads a little more of it. I keep telling him to take it home with him, but he says it "belongs with" me.
Pictures and video: 130 cats in one flat
Damn, that's a lot of cats. Also, 130 cats make a lot of noise.
Paperdol, that rules!
I think we as a society are way too obsessed with the possibility of addiction. I say treat the immediate pain now and worry about addiction later. I've read about doctors who worried about terminal cancer patients becoming addicted to pain killers. Why the hell would it matter if you died addicted to prescription pain killers? The only people who believe that there is an acceptable level of pain are people who've never been in real pain.
No shit. Mother used to rant about this a lot, after her years working as an RN. Then post-treatment, she wound up with chronic pain that meant she couldn't dress herself for the first several months of the year (she's better now), and it became very, very personal. Now she fumes.
(Not, you know, that she's any good at actually taking as much medicine as she should be. But she's been in the chronic pain shoes now and gets it at a gut level.)
What my neighborhood looks like now.
I was going to take D shopping after lunch, but it doesn't look like I'll be able to *get* to the only train around here that's still running!
Jeez. I'm glad all the New Yorkers are safe.
Season 2 of the Muppet Show came out on DVD yesterday!
Duh duh dah duh Duhduh dah. Duh duh dah duhduhduh.
t tackletickles Callaluna
It took me two hours to get to work this morning on jam packed busses. Un. Fun.
ita, you amaze me. You simply amaze me.
I've watched my Mother's chronic pain and problems all my life so I have some familiarity with the stamina and patience it takes to survive nevermind live a good life. I've seen the merry-go-round of doctors. I've been the "person" with her who tries to keep things moving at the hospital. I still don't know how she does it and I don't know how you do either. This makes Krav look like ballroom dancing and you are amazing.
Wealth? Short of homelessness, I grew up about as poor as an American does (see "Mother's health" above and never wonder why I'm such an advocate for national health care). The constant scrambling and not knowing and working so hard only to have everything go to hell with an unforseen problem is nothing I ever want to experience again.
Currently, I make good money. My money problems aren't over-spending but "terrorism debt" (being un/under employed for three years after the attacks, dissolving a 401k badly and being in the hole to the IRS, paying my rent with my credit card, etc.) and paying that off has been a bitca. It's also taken an emotional toll in that I know what poor is and I fear it even in the best of times.
I know that I've hurt myself acting-career-wise by needing a full time job as much for emotional reasons as financial ones. I'm finally finding a balance between the life I have and the life I want (paying the debt a little more slowly in order to take voice lessons for example). Frankly, though, I don't know if I'll ever spend money freely, no matter how much of it I have.
Oh, and last week I came to the conclusion that if there
Al Quaida cells in America they're fucking lame. The steam pipe at Grand Central, the power out in San Francisco, the explosion and fire in Dallas and they didn't take credit for ANY of it? Instill a little terror, boys, start a rumor whydoncha?
Today, however, with the tornado in Brooklyn I've decided that maybe there is no Al Quaida, its all a government cover-up, and Voldemort is pissed off.
Voldemort is pissed off.
looks outside to hazy grossness
The dementors must be breeding again.