t tackletickles Callaluna
It took me two hours to get to work this morning on jam packed busses. Un. Fun.
ita, you amaze me. You simply amaze me.
I've watched my Mother's chronic pain and problems all my life so I have some familiarity with the stamina and patience it takes to survive nevermind live a good life. I've seen the merry-go-round of doctors. I've been the "person" with her who tries to keep things moving at the hospital. I still don't know how she does it and I don't know how you do either. This makes Krav look like ballroom dancing and you are amazing.
Wealth? Short of homelessness, I grew up about as poor as an American does (see "Mother's health" above and never wonder why I'm such an advocate for national health care). The constant scrambling and not knowing and working so hard only to have everything go to hell with an unforseen problem is nothing I ever want to experience again.
Currently, I make good money. My money problems aren't over-spending but "terrorism debt" (being un/under employed for three years after the attacks, dissolving a 401k badly and being in the hole to the IRS, paying my rent with my credit card, etc.) and paying that off has been a bitca. It's also taken an emotional toll in that I know what poor is and I fear it even in the best of times.
I know that I've hurt myself acting-career-wise by needing a full time job as much for emotional reasons as financial ones. I'm finally finding a balance between the life I have and the life I want (paying the debt a little more slowly in order to take voice lessons for example). Frankly, though, I don't know if I'll ever spend money freely, no matter how much of it I have.
Oh, and last week I came to the conclusion that if there
Al Quaida cells in America they're fucking lame. The steam pipe at Grand Central, the power out in San Francisco, the explosion and fire in Dallas and they didn't take credit for ANY of it? Instill a little terror, boys, start a rumor whydoncha?
Today, however, with the tornado in Brooklyn I've decided that maybe there is no Al Quaida, its all a government cover-up, and Voldemort is pissed off.
Voldemort is pissed off.
looks outside to hazy grossness
The dementors must be breeding again.
Oh my goodness, Jessica. Craziness!
Also, I'm totally not advocating pulling the whole world down into addiction for every pain, but dude, c'mon. Addiction is not what we're worried about right now. The last two days of pain are what we're worried about! Sheesh.
In my news about me, I am a total klutz. My sister & family (including toddler & kiddo) are coming out to visit us for the first time. But we have a big furry dog, and they have allergies, so we're putting them up at our friends' house, who also has allergies and therefore, no dog. Which is great, and means that we'll probably have a very good visit, but it's complicating the food situation.
Referencing back to yesterday's discussion, I may feel wealthy, but that doesn't mean it's easy to feed an additional four people suddenly. I wish I were better and more gracious about hosting. I'd like to be, but damn if it isn't expensive. So our plan was, yesterday I made spaghetti sauce for dinner tomorrow. Today I'm making pizzas to bake later for dinner tonight. Then we can splurge for lunch tomorrow and take them to the superfabulous Japanese restaurant.
I made two of the three pizzas, a mushroom & onion one, and a cheese one for the kids. I had put the cheese one in the freezer. And I went to put the mushroom & onion one in the freezer, and I don't know exactly what happened, but the cheese one came flying out of the freezer and spun across the room (I swear!) flinging cheese and sauce everywhere and landing upside down in a glorious heap on the freshly cleaned tile floor.
I know. Only me.
The dog was very very excited at this turn of events, although to his credit remained where he was on command until I cleaned the worst of it up.
I was short of cheese anyway, so now the plan is for me to have a nice mushroom & onion pizza for lunch, and we'll have the spaghetti tonight, and we'll figure something else out for supper tomorrow. If I get the energy back up, I'll try to get some more cheese and make some more sauce and we'll try the pizzas again for tomorrow. But right now? I am so done.
Damn, that's a lot of cats. Also, 130 cats make a lot of noise.
I can only imagine the smell. Good lord.
Wow, those cats look healthy and the place looks clean. But it doesn't seem likely that it smells or sounds too good.
Yikes, Jessica. Messy.
I'm very lazy today. I just want to go back to bed.
I would like to note for the record, though, that Owen climbs the stair while chanting "sube."
Em has been known to stand in front of a closed door and shout "abierto" expecting it to open for her.
When my niece wants something and we say "what do you say?" she replies "por favor" instead of "please". It actually kind of bothers my parents, which I find odd.
eta: or maybe I should say pourquoi?
Yeah, it's wierd. My mother sort of pouts and says "why doesn't she say please" I respond because Dora says por favor. And our culture gets more bilingual every day, so it can only help her to know some spanish.
Picking up languages is easiest when you're young!
This would be a good time to post this song from this week's Flight of the Conchords-- for all former French students, megan, and bossa nova fans (Hec): [link]
I don't get youtube but I think that is the Foux Da Fa Fa song clip from this week's ep. Otherwise it's also here: [link]