ita, I'll be AFK all day, so I'm hoping you'll get to go home in a reasonable time and reasonable (!!!) amount of pain. Reading of your travails through yesterday (I caught up this morning) is daunting, though not as daunting as actually going through it.
We're seeing news reports about the deluge in N. Jersey and NY. Good thing that this portion of PA is pretty unaffected.
See, while you ar drowning, Jesse, out here in Alabama, it's baking. 99 today. Seriously? I thought I left this shit back east. Of course, I am in the deep south now, so...
Getting in my couple hours of quiet until the hoards awake. I had to seriously kick D back upstairs at 10:30 last night. He was determined for a slumber party. Kid, you were at top volume, racing around and not likely to stop for until midnight (summer hours) and I have to get up at 6:30. Don't think so. Still heard him harassing his dad at 11 for applesauce and BATTLE.
ita, you'd like this kid.
the subways really can't handle a lot of rain all at once
Are there things you can do from home? It seems like it's going to be quite an adventure, the actual physical getting-to-work process. Maybe see if the better weather continues and come in late? says there's a tree down at the station nearest to my apartment and Q trains aren't running in either direction. Looks like DH is going to be late for work!
[eta: Wow, trips123 is currently reporting incidents on ALL lines. I vote everyone gets to stay home today.]
Holy fuck, Jess, Gothamist is saying that there may have been a tornado in your neighborhood!
Nothing but the 7 running at my station and it was over a 30 minute wait to get on one of those. I am home, at least for the short term.
mac is being a righteous PITA this morning to both me and his grandma.
my eyelids are painfully swollen (epicanthic fold gone wild) as is my throat
ita, between that and the itching, are you sure it isn't a reaction to the dilaudid?
Oy, ita, is all I can think to say. I hope you get some relief after a crazy day and that having your family here is a good time.
Stay dry and safe! people of New York.
I am all at once a bit stoned on cold meds and hopped up on Caffeine. My system doesn't know what to do with itself.
ita, I hope things are looking better today. Or, failing that, that you get a Bobbi-clone at the next change of nurse shifts.
New Yorkers, stay dry!
It's supposed to be 102 here today. Again. This is not something that should come with an "again"!