the subways really can't handle a lot of rain all at once
Are there things you can do from home? It seems like it's going to be quite an adventure, the actual physical getting-to-work process. Maybe see if the better weather continues and come in late? says there's a tree down at the station nearest to my apartment and Q trains aren't running in either direction. Looks like DH is going to be late for work!
[eta: Wow, trips123 is currently reporting incidents on ALL lines. I vote everyone gets to stay home today.]
Holy fuck, Jess, Gothamist is saying that there may have been a tornado in your neighborhood!
Nothing but the 7 running at my station and it was over a 30 minute wait to get on one of those. I am home, at least for the short term.
mac is being a righteous PITA this morning to both me and his grandma.
my eyelids are painfully swollen (epicanthic fold gone wild) as is my throat
ita, between that and the itching, are you sure it isn't a reaction to the dilaudid?
Oy, ita, is all I can think to say. I hope you get some relief after a crazy day and that having your family here is a good time.
Stay dry and safe! people of New York.
I am all at once a bit stoned on cold meds and hopped up on Caffeine. My system doesn't know what to do with itself.
ita, I hope things are looking better today. Or, failing that, that you get a Bobbi-clone at the next change of nurse shifts.
New Yorkers, stay dry!
It's supposed to be 102 here today. Again. This is not something that should come with an "again"!
ita, I wish you relief, for reals.
Don't drown, NYCistas! No Apocalypse before the Horsemen arrive...
It's also going to be wicked hot here, prediction of 96 for today.
Ways To Know It's Fair Time in the Midwest: A radio show this morning was playing a rousing game of "Will It Lick Me?" (Host went to the fair yesterday, meets the petting zoo, caller predicts whether or not he got licked in the face.) Hot times, people.
Okay, so it does seem to be the apocalypse. Interesting.
Bobbi, the itching is definitely dilaudid--I get that every ER visit. It's usually evened out by the Benadryl, but I'm only on PCA for the dilaudid, so it gets out of whack (Hmm. I need an etymology for that expression (can you have etymology for expressions?)) The swelling is new, and I've definitely had more dilaudid than this in a shorter period, so who the hell knows?
He's going back to see if I can get another Benadryl shot.
I am majorly apologising to the current nurse. My standard rhythm is to bitch, whimper, get relief, apologise. These are people I want on my side.
Hmm. So much for not using this as a blog.