Morning sunshines! It's not bright, but it's early, for sure.
Dig this. I have an 8am meeting. Don't see myself getting up and out of here in time for that. Breakfast is at 7, for a start. And, since I just gave myself 2mg of dilaudid without thinking of possible ramifications, even less likely.
Then there's a 9:30 meeting, a 1:00 meeting, and a 3:00 meeting.
I assist one class this evening, and lead another.
Oh, and my mother and sister come into town tonight. And neither of them know I've been in hospital this week.
When do I get to give up, again?
There's going to be a point when I just say "Look, it still hurts, but the little bit of a life that I was having? I need to get it back."
So I want out before lunch. Because this just isn't paying off
Oh, and perhaps because I slept flat with a saline drip in, but my eyelids are painfully swollen (epicanthic fold gone wild) as is my throat.
Again, thanks guys. If pure indignation could ease pain, I'd be painfree for months on end due to your emotional support. As it is, it's certainly a charge.
Or is the word indignance? You know what I mean. It's early, as noted.
Now, because this deserves not to be lumped in with the preceding post, happy birthday to Katerina and Ms Havisham.
Okay, dilaudid ita=typey ita.
when I read that I started singing "Surfin' on Heroin" in my head. So very wrong considering your pain.
Damn. Caught up properly on reading the thread. That's much yikes, Jessica. New Yorkers should endeavour to not get washed away today. It's a pretty sensible normal endeavour, but it sounds like today could take some extra work.
eta: Megan, apparently dilaudid's a good heroin substitute because the initial hit is quite similar. Not that I figured there was a heroin romance, but I'm even
less likely to try it knowing that. And also knowing that my veins are all collapsed.
This is stupid, and I gotta stop yammering.
ita, I definitely hope today (and, well, days in general) improves for you.
You can keep yammering if you want, ita. I mean, seriously.
A transit official told us to hold off on going to work this morning, so that's nice. I guess that means I should check my work email from here, but eh.
Hmm. The subway website makes it look like I should be able to get to work relatively easily, via an alternate route, but I am skeptical.
Don't take any risks out there, Jesse! Sounds like the end of the world, and you don't want to meet that with damp feet.
Heh. The actual weather is fine right now (although at 6:15 this morning it did feel like the end of the world), but the subways really can't handle a lot of rain all at once.
ita, I'll be AFK all day, so I'm hoping you'll get to go home in a reasonable time and reasonable (!!!) amount of pain. Reading of your travails through yesterday (I caught up this morning) is daunting, though not as daunting as actually going through it.
We're seeing news reports about the deluge in N. Jersey and NY. Good thing that this portion of PA is pretty unaffected.