The learned helplessness is bad, but it's the melodramatic "I don't know what to doooooo!!!1!" breast-beating that really chaps my ass. Listen, dude, all you have to do is click a link. I'm not asking you to file taxes in three states or properly use "Tazdingo!" in a sentence. It is a link. You click on it. No, you can't click on it "wrong". Good god, man, did you have some kind of traumatic experience and swear you'd never click on a link again so long as you live?
You know, I somehow COMPLETELY missed the "Dear Work," part of this post and thought these were the clear instructions you gave a person.
To be fair, I have given those instructions to more than one person.
Jeez, shrift. No offense, but I'm kind of glad I was late enough to work today that you were off the road before I got to my bus stop.
A faculty member said, out loud, to my colleague recently, "I am a Looniversity faculty member and I am too highly paid to waste my time with X." X being putting links to articles in her course website.
It's lucky I wasn't on the receiving end of that remark, because I might have replied, "Do you wipe your own ass?"
Seriously, have people never heard of MANNERS?
High pay as an excuse not to do something is a new one. Generally I think "yes, they pay me enough to put up with this shit."
Relatedly, what gap is this photo referring to? [link]
To be fair, I have given those instructions to more than one person.
But hopefully not at work, right?
No offense, but I'm kind of glad I was late enough to work today that you were off the road before I got to my bus stop.
Tremble before my powers of destruction!
Did someone post the link to paperdolls's letter to Andrew Sullivan? Here it is.
Oops. And now I see JZ already posted it....
it ate my post! grr phone. red velvet is red bc vinegar interacted w dutch cocoa. would link, but an on phone
And then erinaceaous made me cry.
seriously. that's one of the nicest things I've ever read (about me).