A faculty member said, out loud, to my colleague recently, "I am a Looniversity faculty member and I am too highly paid to waste my time with X." X being putting links to articles in her course website.
It's lucky I wasn't on the receiving end of that remark, because I might have replied, "Do you wipe your own ass?"
Seriously, have people never heard of MANNERS?
High pay as an excuse not to do something is a new one. Generally I think "yes, they pay me enough to put up with this shit."
Relatedly, what gap is this photo referring to? [link]
To be fair, I have given those instructions to more than one person.
But hopefully not at work, right?
No offense, but I'm kind of glad I was late enough to work today that you were off the road before I got to my bus stop.
Tremble before my powers of destruction!
Did someone post the link to paperdolls's letter to Andrew Sullivan? Here it is.
Oops. And now I see JZ already posted it....
it ate my post! grr phone. red velvet is red bc vinegar interacted w dutch cocoa. would link, but an on phone
And then erinaceaous made me cry.
seriously. that's one of the nicest things I've ever read (about me).
red velvet is red bc vinegar interacted w dutch cocoa
Well, that and the food colouring, according to that recipe.
Go erinaceous!
Also, I apologize for the level of self-involvement I've been displaying for the past like, YEAR.
I've been remiss in...everything.
Anniversary and a house for Robin! Yay!
Surgery for Mac! Boo! (but yay for him getting better and solving medical issue).
Anniversary for Miracleborns! Yay!
Migraines for ita. Boo!
And lots of other things I haven't properly celebrated or soothed or supported because my head is up my ass.