Thanks for the anniversary wishes! Hard to believe it's been five years!
We are going to see this band tonight: [link]
We've actually seen them perform quite a few times, but usually in our friend Jake's backyard back in LA. So excited to be seeing them again!
Happy Anniversary, Miracleborns!
Aimee, they're great! They're usually at the Dublin Irish Festival here in town (this year is no different). After they plan in AA, they're heading down my way for the festival this year.
They played the steerage band in Titanic.
Thanks, Cash!!
They played the steerage band in Titanic.
I know! That's how our friend Jake knows the m - he worked for Digital Domain whioch was the special efx house for the movie. A couple of them are new since the last time I saw them, but Patrick is still there and I loveses him.
Happy Anniversary, Aimee and MM!
I stayed home sick today, even though I could probably have gone to work. I wish I didn't feel guilty about it!
Sings the "Happy Anniversary" song to the Miracleborns
Happy Anniversary Aimee and MM!
bon - I so wanted to do the same thing, but I had just joked with my boss about taking "sick days" to get a break and then there's the whole thing that with mac and parents at my place - staying home is not really a break. I am thinking I may need to leave early and go to a movie.
you should feel NO GUILT!
Happy anniversary and birthday!
Jumping ahead to say how relieved I am that all my real-life/online connections are safe if inconvenienced in Minneapolis/St. Paul! (At least so far as I've heard yet.) I was offline last night, and not watching news, either, so it was a bit of a shock and worry this morning.