Thanks, Cash!!
They played the steerage band in Titanic.
I know! That's how our friend Jake knows the m - he worked for Digital Domain whioch was the special efx house for the movie. A couple of them are new since the last time I saw them, but Patrick is still there and I loveses him.
Happy Anniversary, Aimee and MM!
I stayed home sick today, even though I could probably have gone to work. I wish I didn't feel guilty about it!
Sings the "Happy Anniversary" song to the Miracleborns
Happy Anniversary Aimee and MM!
bon - I so wanted to do the same thing, but I had just joked with my boss about taking "sick days" to get a break and then there's the whole thing that with mac and parents at my place - staying home is not really a break. I am thinking I may need to leave early and go to a movie.
you should feel NO GUILT!
Happy anniversary and birthday!
Jumping ahead to say how relieved I am that all my real-life/online connections are safe if inconvenienced in Minneapolis/St. Paul! (At least so far as I've heard yet.) I was offline last night, and not watching news, either, so it was a bit of a shock and worry this morning.
I support both the semi-sick-day, and the going to the movies. The lack of a/c in my apartment was the main motivating factor getting me to work today!
How's mac doing?
A puggle
::babbles baby talk at the puggle picture::
I'm glad to hear that all the Minneapolis/St.Paul people are checking in. I have clear memories of the Skoharie Creek Bridge I-90 collapse and how scary it was to see the site afterwards. (My father was one of the engineers who investigated.) The I-35W bridge is a much, much larger disaster and my heart goes out to everyone.