Did you guys notice where Dean and Anna were having teh sex?
I did not. Time to rewatch.
So glad it was them and not Sam and Ruby.
Yeah, so are TWoP's servers. It's so weird to be blown away by an episode and go and read how it was the worst episode ever, and worth an F grade.
I think two-three weeks is enough time for Sam to blow through most of his options, and if you figure a little wiggle room with how you define month (as in, plus or minus a couple of weeks, and err on the plus side--I think the grey canon date of Dean's deal was Sam's birthday, wasn't it? I swear, it's in something quasi-official), so if Dean dies at the beginning of May, comes back in the middle of September, you've got four months plus a couple weeks, which really is four and a half months, plus two for being alive since, and you round it down for the flashback lettering, round up almost five months to five months, and you've got at least three weeks there for Ruby to be in Hell and Sam to be on a Big Old Bender, and BOOM! You've got enough time! (And on re-read, I think I need a whiteboard to explain. But I swear, it makes The Sense in my head.)
Oh yeah. I think a couple of weeks are plenty of time. It's not like there are a lot of well known canonical ways to get a person out of Hell.
PS, I did the math. 105 Hell days for every one of our Earth days, so even just a week down there our time is like she spent a couple years in Hell, which is PLENTY of time to suck up for your performance review.
I just did the simple math:
One month on earth equals ten years in Hell.
Two weeks equals five years.
A week equals two and a half years.
Three and a half days equals a year and three months.
30 hours on earth equals seven and a half months in Hell.
Ruby didn't have to be there a long time to be there a long time.
So...does anyone think Ruby is setting up Sam and still working for Lilith?
(Can I be done editing now, please?)