T-minus 4 days!
Just like Dean, we have a countdown!
But ours is shorter. And has a happier ending.
In other news, does anyone know of any good Twin Peaks/Supernatural crossovers? A conversation w/ a friend of mine (who needs to show up here, dagnabit!) started meandering that way, and now I really want to read some. If it exists.
Boy, there s/b Twin Peaks/Supernatural/Reaper xovers soon, shouldn't there?
I am now imagining the boys walking thru the red room.
Are they talking backwards?
Heh. To really fuck with their minds, John would be speaking backwards while the YED dances.
I read Naomi Novik's new novel, Empire of Ivory this weekend.
There is a point, about 2/3 of the way through the book, when I was most clearly reminded that she's a Supernatural fan.
I laughed a lot.
Can you tell what it was? Because that's amusing.
Two characters are introduced about halfway through. They seem at first to be just incidental, and while they never get a large role, it's clear that they're going to be around for good. What makes it appropriate for this thread is that
they are brothers; the older one is fiercely protective of the younger and something of a scammer, while the younger one is sweet and (it turns out) kind of scholarly in attitude. Their names are Demane and Sipho.
Okay. Yeah. (Hey! I picked that up today! As well as art supplies because SOMEONE left me unattended in the art supply section of the University Bookstore, and I thought, hey! I used to be good at this! I could do fan art! In that free time I don't have...)
Ha ha ha ha, 'Suela! That's amusing.